Andrew Cooper writes ("Re: [PATCH v7 08/10] tools/misc: Add xen-vmtrace tool"): > On 26/01/2021 11:59, Ian Jackson wrote: > >[Andrew:] > >> This is example code, not a production utility. > > Perhaps the utility could print some kind of health warning about it > > possibly leaving this perf-impacting feature enabled, and how to clean > > up ? > > Why? The theoretical fallout here is not conceptually different to > libxl or qemu segfaulting, or any of the myriad other random utilities > we have. > > Printing "Warning - this program, just like everything else in the Xen > tree, might in exceptional circumstances segfault and leave the domain > in a weird state" is obvious, and doesn't need stating. > > The domain is stuffed. `xl destroy` may or may not make the problem go away.
Firstly, I don't agree with this pessimistic analysis of our current tooling. Secondly, I would consider many such behaviours bugs; certainly we have bugs but we shouldn't introduce more of them. You are justifying the poor robustness of this tool on the grounds that it's "example code, not a production utility". But we are shipping it to bin/ and there is nothing telling anyone that trying to use it (perhaps wrapped in something of their own devising) is a bad idea. Either this is code users might be expected to run in production in which we need to make it at least have a minimal level of engineering robustness (which is perhaps too difficult at this stage), or we need to communicate to our users that it's a programming example, not a useful utility. Note that *even if it is a programming example*, we should highlight its most important deficiencies. Otherwise it is a hazardously misleading example. I hope that makes sense. Thanks, Ian.