On 26/01/2021 11:59, Ian Jackson wrote:
>>> Also: at the very least, you need to trap SIGTERM SIGHUP SIGPIPE.
>>> It would be good to exit with the right signal by re-raising it.
>> This is example code, not a production utility.
> Perhaps the utility could print some kind of health warning about it
> possibly leaving this perf-impacting feature enabled, and how to clean
> up ?

Why?  The theoretical fallout here is not conceptually different to
libxl or qemu segfaulting, or any of the myriad other random utilities
we have.

Printing "Warning - this program, just like everything else in the Xen
tree, might in exceptional circumstances segfault and leave the domain
in a weird state" is obvious, and doesn't need stating.

The domain is stuffed. `xl destroy` may or may not make the problem go away.


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