Instead of using paravirt patching for custom code sequences add
support for using ALTERNATIVE handling combined with paravirt call

Signed-off-by: Juergen Gross <>
- drop ____PVOP_ALT_VCALL() macro
 arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt_types.h | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+)

diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt_types.h 
index 5d6de014d2f6..7e0130781b12 100644
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt_types.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt_types.h
@@ -477,44 +477,93 @@ int paravirt_disable_iospace(void);
                (rettype)(__eax & PVOP_RETMASK(rettype));               \
+#define ____PVOP_ALT_CALL(rettype, op, alt, cond, clbr, call_clbr,     \
+                         extra_clbr, ...)                              \
+       ({                                                              \
+               PVOP_CALL_ARGS;                                         \
+               PVOP_TEST_NULL(op);                                     \
+               BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(rettype) > sizeof(unsigned long));  \
+               asm volatile(ALTERNATIVE(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL),   \
+                                        alt, cond)                     \
+                            : call_clbr, ASM_CALL_CONSTRAINT           \
+                            : paravirt_type(op),                       \
+                              paravirt_clobber(clbr),                  \
+                              ##__VA_ARGS__                            \
+                            : "memory", "cc" extra_clbr);              \
+               (rettype)(__eax & PVOP_RETMASK(rettype));               \
+       })
 #define __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, ...)                                  \
        ____PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, CLBR_ANY, PVOP_CALL_CLOBBERS,        \
                      EXTRA_CLOBBERS, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __PVOP_ALT_CALL(rettype, op, alt, cond, ...)                   \
+       ____PVOP_ALT_CALL(rettype, op, alt, cond, CLBR_ANY,             \
+                         PVOP_CALL_CLOBBERS, EXTRA_CLOBBERS,           \
+                         ##__VA_ARGS__)
 #define __PVOP_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, ...)                            \
        ____PVOP_CALL(rettype, op.func, CLBR_RET_REG,                   \
                      PVOP_CALLEE_CLOBBERS, , ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __PVOP_ALT_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, alt, cond, ...)             \
+       ____PVOP_ALT_CALL(rettype, op.func, alt, cond, CLBR_RET_REG,    \
+                         PVOP_CALLEE_CLOBBERS, , ##__VA_ARGS__)
 #define __PVOP_VCALL(op, ...)                                          \
        (void)____PVOP_CALL(long, op, CLBR_ANY, PVOP_VCALL_CLOBBERS,    \
                       VEXTRA_CLOBBERS, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __PVOP_ALT_VCALL(op, alt, cond, ...)                           \
+       (void)____PVOP_ALT_CALL(long, op, alt, cond, CLBR_ANY,          \
+                          PVOP_VCALL_CLOBBERS, VEXTRA_CLOBBERS,        \
+                          ##__VA_ARGS__)
 #define __PVOP_VCALLEESAVE(op, ...)                                    \
        (void)____PVOP_CALL(long, op.func, CLBR_RET_REG,                \
                      PVOP_VCALLEE_CLOBBERS, , ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#define __PVOP_ALT_VCALLEESAVE(op, alt, cond, ...)                     \
+       (void)____PVOP_ALT_CALL(long, op.func, alt, cond, CLBR_RET_REG, \
+                          PVOP_VCALLEE_CLOBBERS, , ##__VA_ARGS__)
 #define PVOP_CALL0(rettype, op)                                                
        __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op)
 #define PVOP_VCALL0(op)                                                        
+#define PVOP_ALT_CALL0(rettype, op, alt, cond)                         \
+       __PVOP_ALT_CALL(rettype, op, alt, cond)
+#define PVOP_ALT_VCALL0(op, alt, cond)                                 \
+       __PVOP_ALT_VCALL(op, alt, cond)
 #define PVOP_CALLEE0(rettype, op)                                      \
        __PVOP_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op)
 #define PVOP_VCALLEE0(op)                                              \
+#define PVOP_ALT_CALLEE0(rettype, op, alt, cond)                       \
+       __PVOP_ALT_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, alt, cond)
+#define PVOP_ALT_VCALLEE0(op, alt, cond)                               \
+       __PVOP_ALT_VCALLEESAVE(op, alt, cond)
 #define PVOP_CALL1(rettype, op, arg1)                                  \
        __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
 #define PVOP_VCALL1(op, arg1)                                          \
        __PVOP_VCALL(op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
+#define PVOP_ALT_VCALL1(op, arg1, alt, cond)                           \
+       __PVOP_ALT_VCALL(op, alt, cond, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
 #define PVOP_CALLEE1(rettype, op, arg1)                                        
        __PVOP_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
 #define PVOP_VCALLEE1(op, arg1)                                                
        __PVOP_VCALLEESAVE(op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
+#define PVOP_ALT_CALLEE1(rettype, op, arg1, alt, cond)                 \
+       __PVOP_ALT_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, alt, cond, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
+#define PVOP_ALT_VCALLEE1(op, arg1, alt, cond)                         \
+       __PVOP_ALT_VCALLEESAVE(op, alt, cond, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
 #define PVOP_CALL2(rettype, op, arg1, arg2)                            \

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