PVOP_VCALL4() is only used for Xen PV, while PVOP_CALL4() isn't used
at all. Keep PVOP_CALL4() for 64 bits due to symmetry reasons.

This allows to remove the 32-bit definitions of those macros leading
to a substantial simplification of the paravirt macros, as those were
the only ones needing non-empty "pre" and "post" parameters.

PVOP_CALLEE2() and PVOP_VCALLEE2() are used nowhere, so remove them.

Another no longer needed case is special handling of return types
larger than unsigned long. Replace that with a BUILD_BUG_ON().

DISABLE_INTERRUPTS() is used in 32-bit code only, so it can just be
replaced by cli.

INTERRUPT_RETURN in 32-bit code can be replaced by iret.

ENABLE_INTERRUPTS is used nowhere, so it can be removed.

Signed-off-by: Juergen Gross <jgr...@suse.com>
 arch/x86/entry/entry_32.S             |   4 +-
 arch/x86/include/asm/irqflags.h       |   5 --
 arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt.h       |  35 +-------
 arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt_types.h | 112 ++++++++------------------
 arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c         |   2 -
 5 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/x86/entry/entry_32.S b/arch/x86/entry/entry_32.S
index df8c017e6161..765487e57d6e 100644
--- a/arch/x86/entry/entry_32.S
+++ b/arch/x86/entry/entry_32.S
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
         * will soon execute iret and the tracer was already set to
         * the irqstate after the IRET:
+       cli
        lss     (%esp), %esp                    /* switch to espfix segment */
 #endif /* CONFIG_X86_ESPFIX32 */
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ restore_all_switch_stack:
         * when returning from IPI handler and when returning from
         * scheduler to user-space.
+       iret
 .section .fixup, "ax"
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/irqflags.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/irqflags.h
index 144d70ea4393..a0efbcd24b86 100644
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/irqflags.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/irqflags.h
@@ -109,9 +109,6 @@ static __always_inline unsigned long 
-#define ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(x)   sti
-#define DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(x)  cli
 #ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
 #define SAVE_FLAGS(x)          pushfq; popq %rax
@@ -119,8 +116,6 @@ static __always_inline unsigned long 
 #define INTERRUPT_RETURN       jmp native_iret
-#define INTERRUPT_RETURN               iret
 #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt.h
index 0785a9686e32..1dd30c95505d 100644
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt.h
@@ -692,6 +692,7 @@ extern void default_banner(void);
        .if ((~(set)) & mask); pop %reg; .endif
 #ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
 #define PV_SAVE_REGS(set)                      \
        COND_PUSH(set, CLBR_RAX, rax);          \
@@ -717,46 +718,12 @@ extern void default_banner(void);
 #define PARA_PATCH(off)                ((off) / 8)
 #define PARA_SITE(ptype, ops)  _PVSITE(ptype, ops, .quad, 8)
 #define PARA_INDIRECT(addr)    *addr(%rip)
-#define PV_SAVE_REGS(set)                      \
-       COND_PUSH(set, CLBR_EAX, eax);          \
-       COND_PUSH(set, CLBR_EDI, edi);          \
-       COND_PUSH(set, CLBR_ECX, ecx);          \
-       COND_PUSH(set, CLBR_EDX, edx)
-#define PV_RESTORE_REGS(set)                   \
-       COND_POP(set, CLBR_EDX, edx);           \
-       COND_POP(set, CLBR_ECX, ecx);           \
-       COND_POP(set, CLBR_EDI, edi);           \
-       COND_POP(set, CLBR_EAX, eax)
-#define PARA_PATCH(off)                ((off) / 4)
-#define PARA_SITE(ptype, ops)  _PVSITE(ptype, ops, .long, 4)
-#define PARA_INDIRECT(addr)    *%cs:addr
 #define INTERRUPT_RETURN                                               \
        PARA_SITE(PARA_PATCH(PV_CPU_iret),                              \
                  ANNOTATE_RETPOLINE_SAFE;                              \
                  jmp PARA_INDIRECT(pv_ops+PV_CPU_iret);)
-#define DISABLE_INTERRUPTS(clobbers)                                   \
-       PARA_SITE(PARA_PATCH(PV_IRQ_irq_disable),                       \
-                 PV_SAVE_REGS(clobbers | CLBR_CALLEE_SAVE);            \
-                 ANNOTATE_RETPOLINE_SAFE;                              \
-                 call PARA_INDIRECT(pv_ops+PV_IRQ_irq_disable);        \
-                 PV_RESTORE_REGS(clobbers | CLBR_CALLEE_SAVE);)
-#define ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(clobbers)                                    \
-       PARA_SITE(PARA_PATCH(PV_IRQ_irq_enable),                        \
-                 PV_SAVE_REGS(clobbers | CLBR_CALLEE_SAVE);            \
-                 ANNOTATE_RETPOLINE_SAFE;                              \
-                 call PARA_INDIRECT(pv_ops+PV_IRQ_irq_enable);         \
-                 PV_RESTORE_REGS(clobbers | CLBR_CALLEE_SAVE);)
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
 #define SAVE_FLAGS(clobbers)                                        \
        PARA_SITE(PARA_PATCH(PV_IRQ_save_fl),                       \
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt_types.h 
index 1fff349e4792..42f9eef84131 100644
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt_types.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/paravirt_types.h
@@ -470,55 +470,34 @@ int paravirt_disable_iospace(void);
-#define ____PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, clbr, call_clbr, extra_clbr,                
-                     pre, post, ...)                                   \
+#define ____PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, clbr, call_clbr, extra_clbr, ...)   \
        ({                                                              \
-               rettype __ret;                                          \
                PVOP_CALL_ARGS;                                         \
                PVOP_TEST_NULL(op);                                     \
-               /* This is 32-bit specific, but is okay in 64-bit */    \
-               /* since this condition will never hold */              \
-               if (sizeof(rettype) > sizeof(unsigned long)) {          \
-                       asm volatile(pre                                \
-                                    paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    post                               \
-                                    : call_clbr, ASM_CALL_CONSTRAINT   \
-                                    : paravirt_type(op),               \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(clbr),          \
-                                      ##__VA_ARGS__                    \
-                                    : "memory", "cc" extra_clbr);      \
-                       __ret = (rettype)((((u64)__edx) << 32) | __eax); \
-               } else {                                                \
-                       asm volatile(pre                                \
-                                    paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)        \
-                                    post                               \
-                                    : call_clbr, ASM_CALL_CONSTRAINT   \
-                                    : paravirt_type(op),               \
-                                      paravirt_clobber(clbr),          \
-                                      ##__VA_ARGS__                    \
-                                    : "memory", "cc" extra_clbr);      \
-                       __ret = (rettype)(__eax & PVOP_RETMASK(rettype));       
-               }                                                       \
-               __ret;                                                  \
+               BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(rettype) > sizeof(unsigned long));  \
+               asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)                \
+                            : call_clbr, ASM_CALL_CONSTRAINT           \
+                            : paravirt_type(op),                       \
+                              paravirt_clobber(clbr),                  \
+                              ##__VA_ARGS__                            \
+                            : "memory", "cc" extra_clbr);              \
+               (rettype)(__eax & PVOP_RETMASK(rettype));               \
-#define __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, pre, post, ...)                       \
+#define __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, ...)                                  \
        ____PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, CLBR_ANY, PVOP_CALL_CLOBBERS,        \
-                     EXTRA_CLOBBERS, pre, post, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+                     EXTRA_CLOBBERS, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define __PVOP_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, pre, post, ...)                 \
+#define __PVOP_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, ...)                            \
        ____PVOP_CALL(rettype, op.func, CLBR_RET_REG,                   \
-                     PVOP_CALLEE_CLOBBERS, ,                           \
-                     pre, post, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+                     PVOP_CALLEE_CLOBBERS, , ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define ____PVOP_VCALL(op, clbr, call_clbr, extra_clbr, pre, post, ...)        
+#define ____PVOP_VCALL(op, clbr, call_clbr, extra_clbr, ...)           \
        ({                                                              \
                PVOP_VCALL_ARGS;                                        \
                PVOP_TEST_NULL(op);                                     \
-               asm volatile(pre                                        \
-                            paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)                \
-                            post                                       \
+               asm volatile(paravirt_alt(PARAVIRT_CALL)                \
                             : call_clbr, ASM_CALL_CONSTRAINT           \
                             : paravirt_type(op),                       \
                               paravirt_clobber(clbr),                  \
@@ -526,84 +505,57 @@ int paravirt_disable_iospace(void);
                             : "memory", "cc" extra_clbr);              \
-#define __PVOP_VCALL(op, pre, post, ...)                               \
+#define __PVOP_VCALL(op, ...)                                          \
        ____PVOP_VCALL(op, CLBR_ANY, PVOP_VCALL_CLOBBERS,               \
-                      VEXTRA_CLOBBERS,                                 \
-                      pre, post, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+                      VEXTRA_CLOBBERS, ##__VA_ARGS__)
-#define __PVOP_VCALLEESAVE(op, pre, post, ...)                         \
+#define __PVOP_VCALLEESAVE(op, ...)                                    \
        ____PVOP_VCALL(op.func, CLBR_RET_REG,                           \
-                     PVOP_VCALLEE_CLOBBERS, ,                          \
-                     pre, post, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+                     PVOP_VCALLEE_CLOBBERS, , ##__VA_ARGS__)
 #define PVOP_CALL0(rettype, op)                                                
-       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, "", "")
+       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op)
 #define PVOP_VCALL0(op)                                                        
-       __PVOP_VCALL(op, "", "")
+       __PVOP_VCALL(op)
 #define PVOP_CALLEE0(rettype, op)                                      \
-       __PVOP_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, "", "")
+       __PVOP_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op)
 #define PVOP_VCALLEE0(op)                                              \
-       __PVOP_VCALLEESAVE(op, "", "")
+       __PVOP_VCALLEESAVE(op)
 #define PVOP_CALL1(rettype, op, arg1)                                  \
-       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, "", "", PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
+       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
 #define PVOP_VCALL1(op, arg1)                                          \
-       __PVOP_VCALL(op, "", "", PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
+       __PVOP_VCALL(op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
 #define PVOP_CALLEE1(rettype, op, arg1)                                        
-       __PVOP_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, "", "", PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
+       __PVOP_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
 #define PVOP_VCALLEE1(op, arg1)                                                
-       __PVOP_VCALLEESAVE(op, "", "", PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
+       __PVOP_VCALLEESAVE(op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1))
 #define PVOP_CALL2(rettype, op, arg1, arg2)                            \
-       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, "", "", PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1),          \
-                   PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2))
+       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1), PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2))
 #define PVOP_VCALL2(op, arg1, arg2)                                    \
-       __PVOP_VCALL(op, "", "", PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1),                  \
-                    PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2))
-#define PVOP_CALLEE2(rettype, op, arg1, arg2)                          \
-       __PVOP_CALLEESAVE(rettype, op, "", "", PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1),    \
-                         PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2))
-#define PVOP_VCALLEE2(op, arg1, arg2)                                  \
-       __PVOP_VCALLEESAVE(op, "", "", PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1),            \
-                          PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2))
+       __PVOP_VCALL(op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1), PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2))
 #define PVOP_CALL3(rettype, op, arg1, arg2, arg3)                      \
-       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, "", "", PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1),          \
+       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1),                  \
                    PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2), PVOP_CALL_ARG3(arg3))
 #define PVOP_VCALL3(op, arg1, arg2, arg3)                              \
-       __PVOP_VCALL(op, "", "", PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1),                  \
+       __PVOP_VCALL(op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1),                          \
                     PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2), PVOP_CALL_ARG3(arg3))
-/* This is the only difference in x86_64. We can make it much simpler */
-#ifdef CONFIG_X86_32
 #define PVOP_CALL4(rettype, op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)                        
        __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op,                                        \
-                   "push %[_arg4];", "lea 4(%%esp),%%esp;",            \
-                   PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1), PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2),         \
-                   PVOP_CALL_ARG3(arg3), [_arg4] "mr" ((u32)(arg4)))
-#define PVOP_VCALL4(op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)                                
-       __PVOP_VCALL(op,                                                \
-                   "push %[_arg4];", "lea 4(%%esp),%%esp;",            \
-                   "0" ((u32)(arg1)), "1" ((u32)(arg2)),               \
-                   "2" ((u32)(arg3)), [_arg4] "mr" ((u32)(arg4)))
-#define PVOP_CALL4(rettype, op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)                        
-       __PVOP_CALL(rettype, op, "", "",                                \
                    PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1), PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2),         \
                    PVOP_CALL_ARG3(arg3), PVOP_CALL_ARG4(arg4))
 #define PVOP_VCALL4(op, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)                                
-       __PVOP_VCALL(op, "", "",                                        \
-                    PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1), PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2),        \
+       __PVOP_VCALL(op, PVOP_CALL_ARG1(arg1), PVOP_CALL_ARG2(arg2),    \
                     PVOP_CALL_ARG3(arg3), PVOP_CALL_ARG4(arg4))
 /* Lazy mode for batching updates / context switch */
 enum paravirt_lazy_mode {
diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c b/arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c
index 60b9f42ce3c1..736508004b30 100644
--- a/arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c
@@ -63,8 +63,6 @@ static void __used common(void)
-       OFFSET(PV_IRQ_irq_disable, paravirt_patch_template, irq.irq_disable);
-       OFFSET(PV_IRQ_irq_enable, paravirt_patch_template, irq.irq_enable);
        OFFSET(PV_CPU_iret, paravirt_patch_template, cpu.iret);

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