On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 10:57:31AM -0800, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Nov 2020, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > My testing section for Xen is:
> >     xen_hypervisor /boot/xen-4.14-arm64.efi
> >     xen_module /boot/vmlinuz-5.8.10-2rp4-6.1.7 
> > root=UUID=01234567-dead-beef-d13d-456789abcdef ro
> >     devicetree /boot/dtb-5.8.10-2rp4-6.1.7
> >     xen_module --nounzip /boot/initrd.img-5.8.10-2rp4-6.1.7
> > 
> > I've frankly got no idea how to ensure the correct device-tree is passed
> > to Xen.  Is GRUB's `devicetree` command correct when loading Xen?  Is a
> > device-tree matched to the Linux kernel appropriate for Xen?
> > 
> > (I'm guessing the second is "yes", but the first I don't have a clue)
> Yes, devicetree is correct. I have not used the graphical output, so I
> cannot help you there but yes the best bet is to use the devicetree that
> comes with the kernel.

Well, I've now got everything together for a "proper" Debian Raspberry PI
installation.  Apparently since 5.2 (perhaps earlier, but 5.2 is
confirmed), Debian's kernel source packages have had their Raspberry PI
device-trees garbled.  I do have full untouched Linux kernel source
handy, but I tend to stick with the distribution until that proves

> One thing I noticed is that you are missing some of the command line
> arguments for Xen and Linux in your grub config. For instance on the Xen
> line you want to have something like:
>     dom0_mem=1024M console=dtuart sync_console
> And on the Linux line you might want to have:
>     console=tty0 console=hvc0

This plus adding the devicetree setting now turns into a report

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