On 13.11.2020 13:45, Oleksandr wrote:
> On 13.11.20 13:20, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> On 13.11.2020 12:09, Oleksandr wrote:
>>> On 12.11.20 12:58, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> On 15.10.2020 18:44, Oleksandr Tyshchenko wrote:
>>>>> @@ -855,7 +841,7 @@ int hvm_destroy_ioreq_server(struct domain *d, 
>>>>> ioservid_t id)
>>>>>        domain_pause(d);
>>>>> -    p2m_set_ioreq_server(d, 0, s);
>>>>> +    arch_hvm_destroy_ioreq_server(s);
>>>> Iirc there are plans to rename hvm_destroy_ioreq_server() in the
>>>> course of the generalization. If so, this arch hook would imo
>>>> better be named following the new scheme right away.
>>> Could you please clarify, are you speaking about the plans discussed there
>>> "[PATCH V2 12/23] xen/ioreq: Remove "hvm" prefixes from involved
>>> function names"?
>>> Copy text for the convenience:
>>> AT least some of the functions touched here would be nice to be
>>> moved to a more consistent new naming scheme right away, to
>>> avoid having to touch all the same places again. I guess ioreq
>>> server functions would be nice to all start with ioreq_server_
>>> and ioreq functions to all start with ioreq_. E.g. ioreq_send()
>>> and ioreq_server_select().
>>> or some other plans I am not aware of?
>>> What I really want to avoid with IOREQ enabling work is the round-trips
>>> related to naming things, this patch series
>>> became quite big (and consumes som time to rebase and test it) and I
>>> expect it to become bigger.
>>> So the arch_hvm_destroy_ioreq_server() should be
>>> arch_ioreq_server_destroy()?
>> I think so, yes. If you want to avoid doing full patches, how
>> about you simply list the functions / variables you plan to
>> rename alongside the intended new names? Would likely be easier
>> for all involved parties.
> I think it is a good idea. I will prepare a list once I analyze all new 
> comments to this series.
> As I understand that only global IOREQ functions need renaming according 
> to the new scheme,
> local ones can be left as is but without "hvm" prefixes of course?

Please apply common sense: Static ones, if you have to drop a
hvm_ prefix, may in some cases better further be renamed as well,
when their names aren't really in line with their purpose
(anymore). But yes, following a consistent naming model is more
relevant for non-static functions.


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