On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 09:24:41AM +0200, Jan Beulich wrote:
> On 28.08.2020 04:57, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > Subdirectories which have .gitignore files should not be referenced in
> > the global .gitignore files.  Move several lines to appropriate subdirs.
> > 
> > Signed-off-by: Elliott Mitchell <ehem+...@m5p.com>
> > 
> > ---
> > Hopefully the commit message covers it.  When moved to the subdirectories
> > I'm using "./<file>" as otherwise any file sharing the name in a deeper
> > subdirectory would be subject to the match.
> May I ask why this last sentence isn't part of the commit message?

My thinking is it was pretty straightforward to figure out when looking.
Not /quite/ obvious enough to avoid commenting in e-mail, but not quite
obscure enough to have in commit message.  This can go either way really.

The .gitignore files aren't very consistent.  I'm unsure whether it is
worth going after the inconsistencies, but it is certainly there.

Before this I noticed xen/xsm/flask/.gitignore had "/policy.c", which
overlapped with "xen/xsm/flask/policy.*" in the top-level .gitignore.
Checking the documentation on .gitignore files if it simply had
"policy.c", git would have ignored any file name "policy.c" in

Is it better to prefix lines in the current directory with "./" versus
"/"?  (I kind of like "./" since it looks like a relative path, but it
*isn't* actually a relative path)

Should files in subdirectories also include "./"?  Preferences in

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