On 16.01.2020 18:11, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki  wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 12:02:42PM +0100, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> On 15.01.2020 03:39, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki wrote:
>>>  .gitignore                          |   1 +-
>> I guess this is why various non-tool-stack maintainers have
>> been Cc-ed. It would have been nice if you had stripped the
>> unnecessary Cc-s. I don't think ./MAINTAINERS can properly
>> express a suitable rule of Cc REST if the adjustment is not
>> simply accompanying the addition of some new output file.
> Maybe a solution would be to make use of more .gitignore files in
> specific subdirs? I see there are some, but for example tools/misc is
> mentioned in _both_ toplevel .gitignore and tools/misc/.gitignore.

Well, yes, we've been discussing this elsewhere. We should settle
on one model (central vs per-main-subtree vs per-dir), I think. I
have no particular preference except for disliking any mixed models.


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