> On Jan 14, 2020, at 21:42, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki 
> <marma...@invisiblethingslab.com> wrote:
> Since we have those generated files committed to the repo (why?!),
> update them after changing configure.ac.

Is there any reason not to remove the generated configure files?  A developer 
using generated files on system B would be incorporating configuration 
assumptions from system A where the configure script was generated.  If we are 
going to ship configure scripts, do we need to document a "system A" reference 
distro/environment where all configure scripts from Xen will be generated?

Other notes:

1.  Debian autoreconf works in the Xen root directory, but the default 
OpenEmbedded autoreconf uses Gnu libtoolize and fails because some Xen build 
subdirectories don't have configure.ac/.in.   

2.  If OpenEmbedded autoreconf is run only in the tools directory (where it 
works and generates a new tools configure), then root configure (generated from 
older configure.ac) will silently ignore the newer tools configure and write 
config.h _without_ tools-specific config, such as the vchan QMP proxy.

3. If autoreconf runs successfully in the root directory, then tools-specific 
configure is correctly generated and everything works as expected.

This silent failure could be avoided by deleting the generated configure 
scripts.  There may be other failure modes for using System A generated scripts 
on downstream build system B.

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