Doug Goldstein writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v2] xsm: hide detailed Xen 
version from unprivileged guests"):
> I'd be happy if we had a Kconfig option behind what the string is. Give 
> me a blank as an option but default it to whatever string like 
> "<hidden>" that you'd like. Every shipping Xen distro I've worked on has 
> had its own v1 variant of the patch and none of them authored by me.

Firstly: I generally agree with George's comments about not liking
silent failure, and I disagree with Andrew.  My inclination would be
to have this string be "<hidden>" (or similar) - and to not filter it
in the DMI tables, so it would be "<hidden>" everywhere.

Doug, I can't figure out from your messages whether that would meet
your needs ?  Is George right that the reason for filtering what used
to be "<denied>" is simply to reduce support burden due to the
negative connotations of "denied" ?  Would "hidden" fix that ?

If I am wrong, what is the reason for the filtering ?

If we have to have this string be configurable then so be it but I
would rather see if we can find one thing that meets downstreams'

FTR I agree with many of the points you make and I understand why you
think this is frustrating.  I hope we can clear this up.


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