On 17/12/2019 22:41, Eslam Elnikety wrote:
> On 13.12.19 14:57, Andrew Cooper wrote:
>> On 12/12/2019 22:13, Eslam Elnikety wrote:
>>>>> Second, there is often need to couple a Xen build with a minimum
>>>>> microcode patch level. Having the microcode built within the Xen
>>>>> image
>>>>> itself is a streamlined, natural way of achieving that.
>>>> Okay, I can accept this as a reason, to some degree at least. Yet
>>>> as said elsewhere, I don't think you want then to override a
>>>> possible "external" ucode module with the builtin blobs. Instead
>>>> the newest of everything that's available should then be loaded.
>>> Extending Xen to work around tools shortcomings is absolutely not what
>>> I have in mind. I should have started with the second reason. Read
>>> this as: Xen relies on a minimum microcode feature set, and it makes
>>> sense to couple both in one binary. This coupling just happens to
>>> provide an added benefit in the face of tools shortcoming.
>> Do we have anything which strictly relies on a minimum version?
> I had in mind microcode speculation mitigation features when reasoning
> with the minimum patch level argument.

Considering how well the first round of speculative microcode went,
mandating it would have been a rather bad thing...

But yes - as a usecase of "I wish to bundle the minimum microcode I'd
like to work with", this seems entirely reasonable.


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