On 13/12/2019 20:15, Tamas K Lengyel wrote:
>> There is also value when it comes to easier SRTM/DRTM measurements of
>> the system in question, including cases where Xen sits on a boot ROM
>> rather than on disk.
> We've explored that in the past - building things into Xen and Linux
> statically - and ultimately it only works if the command line passed
> to Xen also gets measured, otherwise you can always override any
> built-in component. So for example with OpenXT on UEFI the entire Xen
> config file gets measured.

What I meant was "its one fewer random knobble which needs handling

> For DRTM I don't think it makes much
> difference, I believe the active microcode info is already part of the
> measurement, so having it measured as part of the Xen blob doesn't add
> anything.

I couldn't possibly comment on timelines, but if I could, the answer
might be "not for a little while yet".

For now, microcode is very definitely software's problem to include in


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