> Sorry to come back to this... I think this would be better explicitly
> listing out the files that are needed.  As I said, the current way of
> doing things means gengotypes.py will *always* be re-run; and the
> result, when experimenting with the `typeof` before, was that my local
> changes to helpes.gen.py were being overwritten.
> Having this be `xenlight.go types.gen.go helpers.gen.go` instead means
> 1) gengotypes is only run when one of its inputs changes
> 2) you can make local changes to the generated files and have them
> copied over
> 3) The copying only happens when one of the above two things happens
> 4) The final compile is slightly faster because the go compiler knows
> that the files hasn't changed.
> I can change this on check-in if you're OK with it, and I end up
> checking part of the series in before you send v3.

That all makes sense to me. I have no problem with you making the
change on check-in if you go that route.


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