On Oct 17, 2019, at 12:55, Stefano Stabellini <sstabell...@kernel.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Oct 2019, Rich Persaud wrote:
>>> On Oct 17, 2019, at 12:32, Stefano Stabellini <sstabell...@kernel.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 17 Oct 2019, Lars Kurth wrote:
>>>> On 16/10/2019, 17:35, "Rich Persaud" <pers...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Oct 15, 2019, at 08:27, Lars Kurth <lars.kurth....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> ...
>>>>> My point really was is that due to storing the files in git, we 
>>>>> essentially do NOT today do this.
>>>>> So we would need to take extra action: e.g. manually or through tooling
>>>>>>> 4.2: We could require individual authors to be credited: in that
>>>>>>>         case we probably ought to lead by example and list the authors
>>>>>>>         in a credit/license section and extract the information from
>>>>>>>         git logs when we generate it (at some point in the future)
>>>>>>> 5: You give an indication whether you made changes ... in practice
>>>>>>> this means you have to state significant changes made to the works
>>>>>> This is also helpful for provenance of changes, which is relevant in 
>>>>>> safety-oriented documentation.  It can be used to clearly delineate 
>>>>>> CC-licensed content (which may be reused by many companies) from "All 
>>>>>> Rights Reserved" commercial content that may be added for a specific 
>>>>>> commercial audience or purpose.
>>>>> I agree
>>>>> I think the outcome of this analysis is really that the only significant 
>>>>> difference between BSD and CC-BY in this context is the  "All Rights 
>>>>> Reserved" portion
>>>>   Also - BSD is a "software" license while CC-BY is a "content" license, 
>>>> so they are not strictly comparable, even if they use similar terminology.
>>>> True, but as we have noticed the boundary between content and in-code docs 
>>>> content is fuzzy.
>>>>>> There is a difference between "software" which "runs on machines" and 
>>>>>> "documentation" which "runs on humans".  Combined software (e.g. BSD 
>>>>>> code from two origins) is executed identically, despite origin.  Humans 
>>>>>> make value judgements based on the author/origin of content, hence the 
>>>>>> focus on attribution.  Yes, there is a provenance graph in git 
>>>>>> (software/data), but that's not typically visible to human readers, 
>>>>>> except as a generated report, i.e. documentation.
>>>>> Yes true. But also true for CC-BY-4 sources stored in git unless extra 
>>>>> action is taken 
>>>>> But my point is: 
>>>>> * If we take extra action as e.g. proposed in 4.2 we can apply this 
>>>>> uniformly to BSD as well as CC-BY pages
>>>>> * We can add a section on re-use as proposed in 4.2 which recommends best 
>>>>> practices around 5.  
>>>>> * We can highlight sections that are BSD vs CC-BY in such a section, such 
>>>>> that someone who has issue can remove these easily
>>>>> In addition to these points: maybe it is too impractical to create ABI 
>>>>> documentation based on CC-BY-4 (given that a lot of what we need is 
>>>>> already in BSD sources). 
>>>>> We could just copy some of the content in the BSD sources to new CC-BY-4 
>>>>> sources, but in practice it would just be hiding the potential legal 
>>>>> issues behind it. 
>>>>> Someone could contest the creation and argue that portions of the now 
>>>>> CC-BY-4 sources are in fact BSD: in practice this is extremely unlikely, 
>>>>> but it is possible.
>>>>>>> As such, BSD-2/3-Clause in our context works similarly to CC-BY-4
>>>>>>> from a downstream's perspective. In fact CC-BY-4 is somewhat stricter
>>>>>> If we don't want the incentives and provenance properties of CC-BY, 
>>>>>> there is the option of CC0, which is the equivalent of public domain.  
>>>>>> This would delegate the task of separating commercial vs CC content to 
>>>>>> each reader, without any license-required attribution or separation.
>>>>>> Some background on licenses designed for documentation, which has 
>>>>>> different legal requirements than software:
>>>>>> https://www.dreamsongs.com/IHE/IHE-50.html
>>>>>> https://creativecommons.org/faq/#what-are-creative-commons-licenses (not 
>>>>>> for s/w)
>>>>> I will have a look. But the core issue - which is why I have proposed 
>>>>> what I have - is the question on how practically ABI documentation 
>>>>> published under CC-BY-4, when much of this information has already been 
>>>>> published in the past as code under BSD.
>>>>   Is there a reference sample of:
>>>>   - previously published, BSD-licensed, ABI specification-as-source-code
>>>> All of http://xenbits.xen.org/docs/unstable/hypercall
>>>> And some can be content rich as seen in 
>>>> http://xenbits.xen.org/docs/unstable/hypercall/arm/include,public,xen.h.html#Func_HYPERVISOR_mmu_update
>>>>   - the corresponding FuSA ABI documentation for that source file
>>>> We do NOT have ANY FuSA documentation at this stage. And there are NO 
>>>> examples of such docs in the public domain
>>>> I am waiting for a sanitised smallish system software example to be made 
>>>> available, which should help us identify the practical implications 
>>>> However, ABI documentation would be part of it
>>>>   If there is almost a 1:1 correspondence between ABI "docs" and "code", 
>>>> could the necessary FuSA annotations become part of the source code file, 
>>>> e.g. comments or tags?  Or is there a requirement for the ABI 
>>>> documentation to have a specific layout in a printable report?
>>>> I don’t think there will be a 1:1 mapping. The documentation would 
>>>> typically be
>>>> - Interface docs (e.g. ABI docs) - there will likely be a clean mapping 
>>>> - Requirements: specifying what the system is supposed to do - no clean 
>>>> mapping to source
>>>> - Designs, Architecture docs, ... - no clean mapping to source
>>>> - Test Specs - should have clean mapping to test code, but not to tested 
>>>> code
>>>> We do still need some sort of tagging for tracability
>>>> In any case: I think we are at the stage where we need to hear from Andy 
>>>> and others
>>> Just to make my thinking clear: I don't care very much about the
>>> specific license, and if we have options, it looks like one of Creative
>>> Commons would probably be my favorite.
>>> My only requirement is that we can copy/paste comments between headers
>>> files and docs in both directions. As long as we can do that, the
>>> license is fine by me.  Given that the headers files are BSD, it looks
>>> like the best way to achieve compatibility is using BSD for the docs
>>> too.
>>> However, if you tell me that we can copy/paste sentences between BSD
>>> headers, Creative Commons docs, and back, then I am also fine with that.
>> As both doc and code maintainers can attest, duplication of text between 
>> code and docs will inevitably lead to divergence.  A document, e.g. a book, 
>> can include the printed and unmodified text of source code under the rights 
>> granted by a source code license.  With line numbers for that printed source 
>> code, the document can cite references to the source code.
>> Unless there is a specific formal requirement in FuSA documentation for 
>> intermingling documentation and source code on the same digital or printed 
>> "page" layout, they can be separated within the document and subjected to 
>> different licenses.  
>> If there is a specific legal FuSA requirement for text layout of code and 
>> docs, it would be good to see the legal text which defines the text layout 
>> requirement.
> My request comes from experience working on code, comments, commit
> messages, and docs. It is common to move sentences across between all of
> them. Note that I said "move" not "copy". It might start as a comment,
> then being moved to the docs. Or, it could start as a design doc, and we
> might want to move the more technical details closer to the code as
> comments. I don't think we should put ourselves in a position where this
> is impossible to do because of licensing issues, if we have a choice.
> If we have to weight the advantage of using CC for docs, losing the
> chance of moving sentences back and forth, against using BSD for docs
> with the ability of moving sentences back and forth, then CC needs to
> have very significance advantages to make it worth it, or being required
> for other reasons.

CC0 (public domain) has less restrictions than BSD, but the former is a license 
for documentation and the latter is a license for source code. 

Before we ask Xen FuSA contributors to invest in documentation to be presented 
as legally-valid evidence for certification, we should ask a certified lawyer 
for their formal opinion on the validity of:

  (a) applying a source code license (BSD) to documentation
  (b) moving text bidirectionally between source code (BSD) and documentation 
(any license)
  (c) moving text bidirectionally between source code (BSD) and documentation 

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