On 17.09.2019 17:09, Tamas K Lengyel wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 8:24 AM Razvan Cojocaru
> <rcojoc...@bbu.bitdefender.biz> wrote:
>> On 9/17/19 5:11 PM, Alexandru Stefan ISAILA wrote:
>>>>>>> +bool hvm_monitor_check_p2m(unsigned long gla, gfn_t gfn, uint32_t pfec,
>>>>>>> +                           uint16_t kind)
>>>>>>> +{
>>>>>>> +    xenmem_access_t access;
>>>>>>> +    vm_event_request_t req = {};
>>>>>>> +    paddr_t gpa = (gfn_to_gaddr(gfn) | (gla & ~PAGE_MASK));
>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>> +    ASSERT(current->arch.vm_event->send_event);
>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>> +    current->arch.vm_event->send_event = false;
>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>> +    if ( p2m_get_mem_access(current->domain, gfn, &access,
>>>>>>> +                            altp2m_vcpu_idx(current)) != 0 )
>>>>>>> +        return false;
>>>>>> ... next to the call here (but the maintainers of the file would
>>>>>> have to judge in the end). That said, I continue to not understand
>>>>>> why a not found entry means unrestricted access. Isn't it
>>>>>> ->default_access which controls what such a "virtual" entry would
>>>>>> permit?
>>>>> I'm sorry for this misleading comment. The code states that if entry was
>>>>> not found the access will be default_access and return 0. So in this
>>>>> case the default_access will be checked.
>>>>> /* If request to get default access. */
>>>>> if ( gfn_eq(gfn, INVALID_GFN) )
>>>>> {
>>>>>        *access = memaccess[p2m->default_access];
>>>>>        return 0;
>>>>> }
>>>>> If this clears thing up I can remove the "NOTE" part if the comment.
>>>> I'm afraid it doesn't clear things up: I'm still lost as to why
>>>> "entry not found" implies "full access". And I'm further lost as
>>>> to what the code fragment above (dealing with INVALID_GFN, but
>>>> not really the "entry not found" case, which would be INVALID_MFN
>>>> coming back from a translation) is supposed to tell me.
>>> It is safe enough to consider a invalid mfn from hostp2 to be a
>>> violation. There is still a small problem with having the altp2m view
>>> not having the page propagated from hostp2m. In this case we have to use
>>> altp2m_get_effective_entry().
>> In the absence of clear guidance from the Intel SDM on what the hardware
>> default is for a page not present in the p2m, we should probably follow
>> Jan's advice and check violations against default_access for such pages.
> The SDM is very clear that pages that are not present in the EPT are a
> violation:
> 28.2.2
> An EPT paging-structure entry is present if any of bits 2:0 is 1;
> otherwise, the entry is not present. The processor
> ignores bits 62:3 and uses the entry neither to reference another EPT
> paging-structure entry nor to produce a
> physical address. A reference using a guest-physical address whose
> translation encounters an EPT paging-struc-
> ture that is not present causes an EPT violation (see Section
> EPT Violations
> An EPT violation may occur during an access using a guest-physical
> address whose translation does not cause an
> EPT misconfiguration. An EPT violation occurs in any of the following
> situations:
> • Translation of the guest-physical address encounters an EPT
> paging-structure entry that is not present (see
> Section 28.2.2).

I'm not sure if / how this helps (other than to answer Razvan's
immediate question): It was for a reason that I talked about
"virtual" entries, e.g. ones that would be there if they had
been propagated already. Albeit propagated ones probably aren't
a good case here, since those don't have default_access
permissions anyway.

But anyway - what my original remark here was about was the
(missing) distinction of the different failure modes of
p2m_get_mem_access(). For example I'd expect a GFN mapping
to physical memory access to which is emulated to go the
-ESRCH return path, due to INVALID_MFN coming back. Yet such
GFNs still ought to have access controls (at least in theory).


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