On 11.02.2025 11:26, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 09:49:54AM +0000, Luca Fancellu wrote:
>> Hi Roger,
>>>>>> 5) You name it. I think many people in the community can name their 
>>>>>> points for
>>>>>> and against clang-format.
>>>>> What are the parts of our coding style that clang-format cannot
>>>>> correctly represent?  Could you make a list of what would need to
>>>>> change in Xen coding style for it to match perfectly what clang-format
>>>>> will check?
>>>> we already went through that route, there is no checker anywhere that 
>>>> matches
>>>> the Xen coding style perfectly, so it’s either we change the coding style 
>>>> or we
>>>> don’t proceed further with any automatic check
>>> I'm probably fine with changing coding style, that's why I'm asking
>>> for a list of what needs to be changed (unless we switch to a
>>> completely different coding style).
>> Sure, I think listing the differences is fine.
>>>>> Ideally the first step would be to prepare a patch to adjust the
>>>>> coding style so it's in line with what clang-format will do.
>>>> It’s easy to say that, but difficult to implement, if we could accept the 
>>>> clang-format
>>>> rules it would be easier to adopt the configuration itself as coding 
>>>> style, maybe
>>>> enhanced with some comments.
>>> I'm kind of lost, why is it difficult to implement?  What I'm asking
>>> for is a patch to CODING_STYLE that modifies it in a way that we could
>>> use clang-format.  In any case we need to do that if we want to use
>>> clang-format.
>> Changes to the CODING_STYLE are historically difficult, given that the 
>> natural
>> language is prone to interpretation. I’m not opposing to that, I’m just 
>> pointing out that
>> starting changing the CODING_STYLE in order to accept the clang-format feels
>> more risky and time consuming than testing clang-format and modifying the
>> CODING_STYLE accordingly.
> I suggested that because it's IMO important to see the resulting
> style.  I'm not suggesting to modify CODING_STYLE in a single change,
> it should be multiple patches that adjust the different areas that
> require changes to match what clang-format can do.
> I think it's important that we can see how the final style will look
> like, otherwise it's hard to compromise on intermediate seemingly
> unconnected changes without knowing what the end result will be.

+1 on both points.


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