Daniel Kiper writes ("Re: [PATCH v2 1/8] xen: calculate XEN_BUILD_TIME using 
> On Wed, Jul 04, 2018 at 02:58:17PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > export XEN_BUILD_POSIX_TIME ?= $(shell echo $${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH-date +%s})
> OK, but what if SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is not defined?
> "date" command is not a good solution here.

I don't understand why you think not.  I think all the versions of
date we care about will do something sensible with
    date +%s

I don't have a FreeBSD host to hand to test, CC'ing Roger.

Although my rune above is wrong and should read
    export XEN_BUILD_POSIX_TIME ?= $(shell echo $${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH-$$(date 

> If other guys are OK with that I can prepare a patch with your Suggested-by.

How do in intend to choose which wrapper script to use ?

This pile of stuff will run on awful lot of times during each make so
keeping it of reasonable size is a good plan.

Maybe it would be better to have a single shell script which outputs a
whole bunch of variable settings for make to $(eval ) ?


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