On 13/03/2024 5:27 pm, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> Start cleaning it up with ffs() and friends.  Across the board, this adds:
>  * Functioning bitops without arch-specific asm

It turns out that RISC-V doesn't have a CLZ instruction in the base
ISA.  As a consequence, __builtin_ffs() emits a library call to ffs() on
GCC, or a de Bruijn sequence on Clang.

The optional Zbb extension adds a CLZ instruction, after which
__builtin_ffs() emits a very simple sequence.

This leaves us with several options.

1) Put generic_ffs() back in, although if we do this then it's going to
be out-of-line in lib/ where it can be mostly ignored.

2) Require Zbb for Xen.

3) Alternative it up with Zbb or generic_ffs().

I've got half a mind to do 1) irrespective.  It's mostly just shuffling
logic out of bitops.h into lib/.

I also think we should do option 2 for RISCV.  Given the instruction
groups that H does mandate, it's unrealistic to expect that such a chip
wouldn't support Zbb/etc.

Also, getting full alternatives working is yet-more work that's not
trivial at this point in RISCV's development.  I think it is entirely
reasonable to avoid this work for now, and make it a problem for anyone
who has an H-capable Zbb-incapable system.  (with a strong implication
that this is work that probably never needs to be done.)


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