On 24.11.2023 15:52, Luca Fancellu wrote:
>> On 24 Nov 2023, at 12:47, Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com> wrote:
>> On 23.11.2023 15:47, Luca Fancellu wrote:
>>> Let’s continue the discussion about clang-format configuration, this is 
>>> part 2, previous discussions are:
>>> - https://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2023-11/msg00498.html
>>> You can find the serie introducing clang-format here:
>>> https://patchwork.kernel.org/project/xen-devel/cover/20231031132304.2573924-1-luca.fance...@arm.com/
>>> and there is also a patch linked to my gitlab account where you can find 
>>> the output for the hypervisor code.
>>> For a full list of configurables and to find the possible values for them, 
>>> please refer to this page:
>>> https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Our coding style doesn’t mention anything about alignment, shall we add a 
>>> new section?
>>> I can send patches when we reach agreement on each of these rules.
>>> QualifierAlignment: Custom
>>> QualifierOrder: ['static', 'inline', 'const', 'volatile', 'type']
>>> ---
>>> For “QualifierAlignment” I chose Custom in order to apply in 
>>> “QualifierOrder” an order for the
>>> qualifiers that match the current codebase, we could specify also “Leave” 
>>> in order to keep
>>> them as they are.
>> Where do attributes go in this sequence?
> I think function declaration/definition and variables.

How does this relate to my question? I asked about the sequence of elements
listed for QualifierOrder:, where attributes don't appear at all right now.

>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
>>> ---
>>> This one is to align function parameters that overflows the line length, I 
>>> chose to align them
>>> to the open bracket to match the current codebase (hopefully)
>>> e.g.:
>>> someLongFunction(argument1,
>>>                                argument2);
>> The above matches neither of the two generally permitted styles:
>>    someLongFunction(argument1,
>>                     argument2);
>>    someLongFunction(
>>        argument1,
>>        argument2);
>> Then again from its name I would infer this isn't just about function
>> arguments?
> I think it applies to parameters and arguments of functions and macro, given 
> the description in the docs.
> I see your two snippets above but I’ve always found at least on arm a 
> predominance of
> the style above for functions, so arguments aligned after the opening 
> bracket, for macros
> there is a mix.

The latter "above" refers to which form exactly? The one you originally
spelled out, or the former of what my reply had?

> I might be wrong though and so another opinion from another maintainer would 
> help.
> In any case we can choose among many value: 
> https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.html#alignafteropenbracket,
> but when we do so, we need to stick to one permitted style only, the tool 
> don’t allow to specify more than one.

On top of my earlier reply yet another reason perhaps that this tool then
won't really fit our intended use.

>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> AlignArrayOfStructures: Left
>>> ---
>>> “When using initialization for an array of structs aligns the fields into 
>>> columns."
>>> It’s important to say that even if we specify “None”, it is going to format 
>>> the data structure anyway,
>>> I choose left, but clearly I’m open to suggestions.
>> You don't say in which way it re-formats such constructs.
> Sure, taking as example an array of structure, xen/drivers/video/modelines.h,
> With AlignArrayOfStructures: None we have this below.
> diff --git a/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h b/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h
> index 9cb7cdde055f..3ff23ef1f8a7 100644
> --- a/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h
> +++ b/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h
> @@ -42,36 +42,36 @@ struct modeline {
>  };
>  struct modeline __initdata videomodes[] = {
> -    { "640x480@60",   25175,  640,  16,   96,   48,   480,  11,   2,    31 },
> -    { "640x480@72",   31500,  640,  24,   40,   128,  480,  9,    3,    28 },
> -    { "640x480@75",   31500,  640,  16,   96,   48,   480,  11,   2,    32 },
> -    { "640x480@85",   36000,  640,  32,   48,   112,  480,  1,    3,    25 },
> -    { "800x600@56",   38100,  800,  32,   128,  128,  600,  1,    4,    14 },
> -    { "800x600@60",   40000,  800,  40,   128,  88 ,  600,  1,    4,    23 },
> -    { "800x600@72",   50000,  800,  56,   120,  64 ,  600,  37,   6,    23 },
> -    { "800x600@75",   49500,  800,  16,   80,   160,  600,  1,    2,    21 },
> -    { "800x600@85",   56250,  800,  32,   64,   152,  600,  1,    3,    27 },
> -    { "1024x768@60",  65000,  1024, 24,   136,  160,  768,  3,    6,    29 },
> -    { "1024x768@70",  75000,  1024, 24,   136,  144,  768,  3,    6,    29 },
> -    { "1024x768@75",  78750,  1024, 16,   96,   176,  768,  1,    3,    28 },
> -    { "1024x768@85",  94500,  1024, 48,   96,   208,  768,  1,    3,    36 },
> -    { "1280x1024@60", 108000, 1280, 48,   112,  248,  1024, 1,    3,    38 },
> -    { "1280x1024@75", 135000, 1280, 16,   144,  248,  1024, 1,    3,    38 },
> -    { "1280x1024@85", 157500, 1280, 64,   160,  224,  1024, 1,    3,    44 },
> -    { "1400x1050@60", 122610, 1400, 88,   152,  240,  1050, 1,    3,    33 },
> -    { "1400x1050@75", 155850, 1400, 96,   152,  248,  1050, 1,    3,    42 },
> -    { "1600x1200@60", 162000, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@65", 175500, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@70", 189000, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@75", 202500, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@85", 229500, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1792x1344@60", 204800, 1792, 128,  200,  328,  1344, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1792x1344@75", 261000, 1792, 96,   216,  352,  1344, 1,    3,    69 },
> -    { "1856x1392@60", 218300, 1856, 96,   224,  352,  1392, 1,    3,    43 },
> -    { "1856x1392@75", 288000, 1856, 128,  224,  352,  1392, 1,    3,    104 
> },
> -    { "1920x1200@75", 193160, 1920, 128,  208,  336,  1200, 1,    3,    38 },
> -    { "1920x1440@60", 234000, 1920, 128,  208,  344,  1440, 1,    3,    56 },
> -    { "1920x1440@75", 297000, 1920, 144,  224,  352,  1440, 1,    3,    56 },
> +    { "640x480@60", 25175, 640, 16, 96, 48, 480, 11, 2, 31 },
> +    { "640x480@72", 31500, 640, 24, 40, 128, 480, 9, 3, 28 },
> +    { "640x480@75", 31500, 640, 16, 96, 48, 480, 11, 2, 32 },
> +    { "640x480@85", 36000, 640, 32, 48, 112, 480, 1, 3, 25 },
> +    { "800x600@56", 38100, 800, 32, 128, 128, 600, 1, 4, 14 },
> +    { "800x600@60", 40000, 800, 40, 128, 88, 600, 1, 4, 23 },
> +    { "800x600@72", 50000, 800, 56, 120, 64, 600, 37, 6, 23 },
> +    { "800x600@75", 49500, 800, 16, 80, 160, 600, 1, 2, 21 },
> +    { "800x600@85", 56250, 800, 32, 64, 152, 600, 1, 3, 27 },
> +    { "1024x768@60", 65000, 1024, 24, 136, 160, 768, 3, 6, 29 },
> +    { "1024x768@70", 75000, 1024, 24, 136, 144, 768, 3, 6, 29 },
> +    { "1024x768@75", 78750, 1024, 16, 96, 176, 768, 1, 3, 28 },
> +    { "1024x768@85", 94500, 1024, 48, 96, 208, 768, 1, 3, 36 },
> +    { "1280x1024@60", 108000, 1280, 48, 112, 248, 1024, 1, 3, 38 },
> +    { "1280x1024@75", 135000, 1280, 16, 144, 248, 1024, 1, 3, 38 },
> +    { "1280x1024@85", 157500, 1280, 64, 160, 224, 1024, 1, 3, 44 },
> +    { "1400x1050@60", 122610, 1400, 88, 152, 240, 1050, 1, 3, 33 },
> +    { "1400x1050@75", 155850, 1400, 96, 152, 248, 1050, 1, 3, 42 },
> +    { "1600x1200@60", 162000, 1600, 64, 192, 304, 1200, 1, 3, 46 },
> +    { "1600x1200@65", 175500, 1600, 64, 192, 304, 1200, 1, 3, 46 },
> +    { "1600x1200@70", 189000, 1600, 64, 192, 304, 1200, 1, 3, 46 },
> +    { "1600x1200@75", 202500, 1600, 64, 192, 304, 1200, 1, 3, 46 },
> +    { "1600x1200@85", 229500, 1600, 64, 192, 304, 1200, 1, 3, 46 },
> +    { "1792x1344@60", 204800, 1792, 128, 200, 328, 1344, 1, 3, 46 },
> +    { "1792x1344@75", 261000, 1792, 96, 216, 352, 1344, 1, 3, 69 },
> +    { "1856x1392@60", 218300, 1856, 96, 224, 352, 1392, 1, 3, 43 },
> +    { "1856x1392@75", 288000, 1856, 128, 224, 352, 1392, 1, 3, 104 },
> +    { "1920x1200@75", 193160, 1920, 128, 208, 336, 1200, 1, 3, 38 },
> +    { "1920x1440@60", 234000, 1920, 128, 208, 344, 1440, 1, 3, 56 },
> +    { "1920x1440@75", 297000, 1920, 144, 224, 352, 1440, 1, 3, 56 },
>  };
>  #endif
> With AlignArrayOfStructures: Left we have (I noticed there might be a small
> bug in clang-format since the first entry has no space after the opening 
> curly bracket):
> diff --git a/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h b/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h
> index 9cb7cdde055f..1afe725dcb4c 100644
> --- a/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h
> +++ b/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h
> @@ -42,36 +42,36 @@ struct modeline {
>  };
>  struct modeline __initdata videomodes[] = {
> -    { "640x480@60",   25175,  640,  16,   96,   48,   480,  11,   2,    31 },
> -    { "640x480@72",   31500,  640,  24,   40,   128,  480,  9,    3,    28 },
> -    { "640x480@75",   31500,  640,  16,   96,   48,   480,  11,   2,    32 },
> -    { "640x480@85",   36000,  640,  32,   48,   112,  480,  1,    3,    25 },
> -    { "800x600@56",   38100,  800,  32,   128,  128,  600,  1,    4,    14 },
> -    { "800x600@60",   40000,  800,  40,   128,  88 ,  600,  1,    4,    23 },
> -    { "800x600@72",   50000,  800,  56,   120,  64 ,  600,  37,   6,    23 },
> -    { "800x600@75",   49500,  800,  16,   80,   160,  600,  1,    2,    21 },
> -    { "800x600@85",   56250,  800,  32,   64,   152,  600,  1,    3,    27 },
> -    { "1024x768@60",  65000,  1024, 24,   136,  160,  768,  3,    6,    29 },
> -    { "1024x768@70",  75000,  1024, 24,   136,  144,  768,  3,    6,    29 },
> -    { "1024x768@75",  78750,  1024, 16,   96,   176,  768,  1,    3,    28 },
> -    { "1024x768@85",  94500,  1024, 48,   96,   208,  768,  1,    3,    36 },
> -    { "1280x1024@60", 108000, 1280, 48,   112,  248,  1024, 1,    3,    38 },
> -    { "1280x1024@75", 135000, 1280, 16,   144,  248,  1024, 1,    3,    38 },
> -    { "1280x1024@85", 157500, 1280, 64,   160,  224,  1024, 1,    3,    44 },
> -    { "1400x1050@60", 122610, 1400, 88,   152,  240,  1050, 1,    3,    33 },
> -    { "1400x1050@75", 155850, 1400, 96,   152,  248,  1050, 1,    3,    42 },
> -    { "1600x1200@60", 162000, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@65", 175500, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@70", 189000, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@75", 202500, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@85", 229500, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1792x1344@60", 204800, 1792, 128,  200,  328,  1344, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1792x1344@75", 261000, 1792, 96,   216,  352,  1344, 1,    3,    69 },
> -    { "1856x1392@60", 218300, 1856, 96,   224,  352,  1392, 1,    3,    43 },
> -    { "1856x1392@75", 288000, 1856, 128,  224,  352,  1392, 1,    3,    104 
> },
> -    { "1920x1200@75", 193160, 1920, 128,  208,  336,  1200, 1,    3,    38 },
> -    { "1920x1440@60", 234000, 1920, 128,  208,  344,  1440, 1,    3,    56 },
> -    { "1920x1440@75", 297000, 1920, 144,  224,  352,  1440, 1,    3,    56 },
> +    {"640x480@60",    25175,  640,  16,  96,  48,  480,  11, 2, 31 },
> +    { "640x480@72",   31500,  640,  24,  40,  128, 480,  9,  3, 28 },
> +    { "640x480@75",   31500,  640,  16,  96,  48,  480,  11, 2, 32 },
> +    { "640x480@85",   36000,  640,  32,  48,  112, 480,  1,  3, 25 },
> +    { "800x600@56",   38100,  800,  32,  128, 128, 600,  1,  4, 14 },
> +    { "800x600@60",   40000,  800,  40,  128, 88,  600,  1,  4, 23 },
> +    { "800x600@72",   50000,  800,  56,  120, 64,  600,  37, 6, 23 },
> +    { "800x600@75",   49500,  800,  16,  80,  160, 600,  1,  2, 21 },
> +    { "800x600@85",   56250,  800,  32,  64,  152, 600,  1,  3, 27 },
> +    { "1024x768@60",  65000,  1024, 24,  136, 160, 768,  3,  6, 29 },
> +    { "1024x768@70",  75000,  1024, 24,  136, 144, 768,  3,  6, 29 },
> +    { "1024x768@75",  78750,  1024, 16,  96,  176, 768,  1,  3, 28 },
> +    { "1024x768@85",  94500,  1024, 48,  96,  208, 768,  1,  3, 36 },
> +    { "1280x1024@60", 108000, 1280, 48,  112, 248, 1024, 1,  3, 38 },
> +    { "1280x1024@75", 135000, 1280, 16,  144, 248, 1024, 1,  3, 38 },
> +    { "1280x1024@85", 157500, 1280, 64,  160, 224, 1024, 1,  3, 44 },
> +    { "1400x1050@60", 122610, 1400, 88,  152, 240, 1050, 1,  3, 33 },
> +    { "1400x1050@75", 155850, 1400, 96,  152, 248, 1050, 1,  3, 42 },
> +    { "1600x1200@60", 162000, 1600, 64,  192, 304, 1200, 1,  3, 46 },
> +    { "1600x1200@65", 175500, 1600, 64,  192, 304, 1200, 1,  3, 46 },
> +    { "1600x1200@70", 189000, 1600, 64,  192, 304, 1200, 1,  3, 46 },
> +    { "1600x1200@75", 202500, 1600, 64,  192, 304, 1200, 1,  3, 46 },
> +    { "1600x1200@85", 229500, 1600, 64,  192, 304, 1200, 1,  3, 46 },
> +    { "1792x1344@60", 204800, 1792, 128, 200, 328, 1344, 1,  3, 46 },
> +    { "1792x1344@75", 261000, 1792, 96,  216, 352, 1344, 1,  3, 69 },
> +    { "1856x1392@60", 218300, 1856, 96,  224, 352, 1392, 1,  3, 43 },
> +    { "1856x1392@75", 288000, 1856, 128, 224, 352, 1392, 1,  3, 104},
> +    { "1920x1200@75", 193160, 1920, 128, 208, 336, 1200, 1,  3, 38 },
> +    { "1920x1440@60", 234000, 1920, 128, 208, 344, 1440, 1,  3, 56 },
> +    { "1920x1440@75", 297000, 1920, 144, 224, 352, 1440, 1,  3, 56 },
>  };
>  #endif
> With AlignArrayOfStructures: Right we have:
> diff --git a/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h b/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h
> index 9cb7cdde055f..539ab7c12d00 100644
> --- a/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h
> +++ b/xen/drivers/video/modelines.h
> @@ -42,36 +42,36 @@ struct modeline {
>  };
>  struct modeline __initdata videomodes[] = {
> -    { "640x480@60",   25175,  640,  16,   96,   48,   480,  11,   2,    31 },
> -    { "640x480@72",   31500,  640,  24,   40,   128,  480,  9,    3,    28 },
> -    { "640x480@75",   31500,  640,  16,   96,   48,   480,  11,   2,    32 },
> -    { "640x480@85",   36000,  640,  32,   48,   112,  480,  1,    3,    25 },
> -    { "800x600@56",   38100,  800,  32,   128,  128,  600,  1,    4,    14 },
> -    { "800x600@60",   40000,  800,  40,   128,  88 ,  600,  1,    4,    23 },
> -    { "800x600@72",   50000,  800,  56,   120,  64 ,  600,  37,   6,    23 },
> -    { "800x600@75",   49500,  800,  16,   80,   160,  600,  1,    2,    21 },
> -    { "800x600@85",   56250,  800,  32,   64,   152,  600,  1,    3,    27 },
> -    { "1024x768@60",  65000,  1024, 24,   136,  160,  768,  3,    6,    29 },
> -    { "1024x768@70",  75000,  1024, 24,   136,  144,  768,  3,    6,    29 },
> -    { "1024x768@75",  78750,  1024, 16,   96,   176,  768,  1,    3,    28 },
> -    { "1024x768@85",  94500,  1024, 48,   96,   208,  768,  1,    3,    36 },
> -    { "1280x1024@60", 108000, 1280, 48,   112,  248,  1024, 1,    3,    38 },
> -    { "1280x1024@75", 135000, 1280, 16,   144,  248,  1024, 1,    3,    38 },
> -    { "1280x1024@85", 157500, 1280, 64,   160,  224,  1024, 1,    3,    44 },
> -    { "1400x1050@60", 122610, 1400, 88,   152,  240,  1050, 1,    3,    33 },
> -    { "1400x1050@75", 155850, 1400, 96,   152,  248,  1050, 1,    3,    42 },
> -    { "1600x1200@60", 162000, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@65", 175500, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@70", 189000, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@75", 202500, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1600x1200@85", 229500, 1600, 64,   192,  304,  1200, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1792x1344@60", 204800, 1792, 128,  200,  328,  1344, 1,    3,    46 },
> -    { "1792x1344@75", 261000, 1792, 96,   216,  352,  1344, 1,    3,    69 },
> -    { "1856x1392@60", 218300, 1856, 96,   224,  352,  1392, 1,    3,    43 },
> -    { "1856x1392@75", 288000, 1856, 128,  224,  352,  1392, 1,    3,    104 
> },
> -    { "1920x1200@75", 193160, 1920, 128,  208,  336,  1200, 1,    3,    38 },
> -    { "1920x1440@60", 234000, 1920, 128,  208,  344,  1440, 1,    3,    56 },
> -    { "1920x1440@75", 297000, 1920, 144,  224,  352,  1440, 1,    3,    56 },
> +    {  "640x480@60",  25175,  640,  16,  96,  48,  480, 11, 2,  31},
> +    {  "640x480@72",  31500,  640,  24,  40, 128,  480,  9, 3,  28},
> +    {  "640x480@75",  31500,  640,  16,  96,  48,  480, 11, 2,  32},
> +    {  "640x480@85",  36000,  640,  32,  48, 112,  480,  1, 3,  25},
> +    {  "800x600@56",  38100,  800,  32, 128, 128,  600,  1, 4,  14},
> +    {  "800x600@60",  40000,  800,  40, 128,  88,  600,  1, 4,  23},
> +    {  "800x600@72",  50000,  800,  56, 120,  64,  600, 37, 6,  23},
> +    {  "800x600@75",  49500,  800,  16,  80, 160,  600,  1, 2,  21},
> +    {  "800x600@85",  56250,  800,  32,  64, 152,  600,  1, 3,  27},
> +    { "1024x768@60",  65000, 1024,  24, 136, 160,  768,  3, 6,  29},
> +    { "1024x768@70",  75000, 1024,  24, 136, 144,  768,  3, 6,  29},
> +    { "1024x768@75",  78750, 1024,  16,  96, 176,  768,  1, 3,  28},
> +    { "1024x768@85",  94500, 1024,  48,  96, 208,  768,  1, 3,  36},
> +    {"1280x1024@60", 108000, 1280,  48, 112, 248, 1024,  1, 3,  38},
> +    {"1280x1024@75", 135000, 1280,  16, 144, 248, 1024,  1, 3,  38},
> +    {"1280x1024@85", 157500, 1280,  64, 160, 224, 1024,  1, 3,  44},
> +    {"1400x1050@60", 122610, 1400,  88, 152, 240, 1050,  1, 3,  33},
> +    {"1400x1050@75", 155850, 1400,  96, 152, 248, 1050,  1, 3,  42},
> +    {"1600x1200@60", 162000, 1600,  64, 192, 304, 1200,  1, 3,  46},
> +    {"1600x1200@65", 175500, 1600,  64, 192, 304, 1200,  1, 3,  46},
> +    {"1600x1200@70", 189000, 1600,  64, 192, 304, 1200,  1, 3,  46},
> +    {"1600x1200@75", 202500, 1600,  64, 192, 304, 1200,  1, 3,  46},
> +    {"1600x1200@85", 229500, 1600,  64, 192, 304, 1200,  1, 3,  46},
> +    {"1792x1344@60", 204800, 1792, 128, 200, 328, 1344,  1, 3,  46},
> +    {"1792x1344@75", 261000, 1792,  96, 216, 352, 1344,  1, 3,  69},
> +    {"1856x1392@60", 218300, 1856,  96, 224, 352, 1392,  1, 3,  43},
> +    {"1856x1392@75", 288000, 1856, 128, 224, 352, 1392,  1, 3, 104},
> +    {"1920x1200@75", 193160, 1920, 128, 208, 336, 1200,  1, 3,  38},
> +    {"1920x1440@60", 234000, 1920, 128, 208, 344, 1440,  1, 3,  56},
> +    {"1920x1440@75", 297000, 1920, 144, 224, 352, 1440,  1, 3,  56},
>  };
>  #endif

None of which improve what we have at present, imo. Yet another reason not
to use this tool then, I would say.


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