On 20.06.2023 22:49, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Jun 2023, Simone Ballarin wrote:
>> From: Gianluca Luparini <gianluca.lupar...@bugseng.com>
>> The xen sources contains violations of MISRA C:2012 Rule 7.2 whose headline 
>> states:
>> "A "u" or "U" suffix shall be applied to all integer constants that are 
>> represented in an unsigned type".
>> I propose to use "U" as a suffix to explicitly state when an integer 
>> constant is represented in an unsigned type.
>> Signed-off-by: Simone Ballarin <simone.balla...@bugseng.com>
> Commit message aside:
> Reviewed-by: Stefano Stabellini <sstabell...@kernel.org>
> FYI I would use the following as commit message title to make it unique:
> xen/x86/hvm/svm: fixed violations of MISRA C:2012 Rule 7.2

Along the lines of my earlier comment:

x86/svm: fix violations of MISRA C:2012 Rule 7.2

or (imo less desirable)

xen/svm: fix violations of MISRA C:2012 Rule 7.2

At the very least the hvm/ infix is fully redundant.


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