On 20.06.2023 12:34, Simone Ballarin wrote:
> From: Gianluca Luparini <gianluca.lupar...@bugseng.com>
> The xen sources contains violations of MISRA C:2012 Rule 7.2 whose headline 
> states:
> "A "u" or "U" suffix shall be applied to all integer constants that are 
> represented in an unsigned type".
> I propose to use "U" as a suffix to explicitly state when an integer constant 
> is represented in an unsigned type.
> Signed-off-by: Simone Ballarin <simone.balla...@bugseng.com>
> ---
>  xen/common/device_tree.c        | 4 ++--
>  xen/include/xen/libfdt/fdt.h    | 2 +-
>  xen/include/xen/libfdt/libfdt.h | 2 +-
>  3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

I think me and a few other people being on Cc here is attributed to the
(misleading) title. The set of touched files fully maps to "DEVICE TREE"
in ./MAINTAINERS afaict, which the prefix in the title would then also
be nice to express.

That said I'm not sure whether libfdt code actually wants touching this


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