# About the kernel crash
Did you read the above?
I just wanted to say that I have solved the kernel panic crash that I
had before, when you explained "Xen doesn't crash at all. It's the Dom0
kernel which panics".
Just for information the crash happens if I put the "console=com1" to
the kernel command line.
kernel=vmlinuz root=/dev/md2 ro rootdelay=10 noquiet nosplash
earlyprintk=xen console=com1
And this, I understand, is not linked to Xen.
# About the Xen Dom0 crash
This tells us (together with the page fault error code) that the
Dom0 kernel tried to provide memory as kernel stack which
can't be written. This may be a Dom0 kernel stack overflow,
but there may also be other reasons. At this point I can't
exclude there being some root cause in Xen, but the issue
needs to be investigated from the Dom0 kernel side.
I have tested with the version 4.9 and 4.14 of the kernel from Debian
and the crash occurs when there is the option "dom0_mem=1G,max:1G".
Do you want that I test something else ?
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