On 18/07/2016 16:58, "Ian Jackson" <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:

>Lars Kurth writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] xenbits "official" repo for XTF (was
>Re: [PATCH 0/2] xtf: add launcher (+1 bugfix)"):
>> In that case, forget my objection and go ahead and create the
>> I clearly don't understand how the docs toolchain works and was assuming
>> that the docs directory structure gets exposed in the web server index,
>> without being able to specify an extra indirection. Given that is not
>> case, the directory structure does not matter.
>There are four information structures.
>Note that `directory structure' and `link structure between html
>pages' can be different for the same collection of documents.  This is
>because there is no necessary correspondence between the directory
>structure of html file storage (normally visibile in urls) and the
>logical structure of the document forest (represented in
>table-of-contents pages, cross-page hyperlinks, and so on).

Thanks for clarifying

>The proposal is to add
>   - /docs/osstest/
>   - /docs/xtf/

Go ahead and create them. We can figure out how to present the docs to the
user later. 

I just noticed that docs/INDEX controls what is shown on the generated
html pages. Sorry for opening this can of worms unnecessarily.


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