Lars Kurth writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] xenbits "official" repo for XTF (was Re: 
[PATCH 0/2] xtf: add launcher (+1 bugfix)"):
> In that case, forget my objection and go ahead and create the directories.
> I clearly don't understand how the docs toolchain works and was assuming
> that the docs directory structure gets exposed in the web server index,
> without being able to specify an extra indirection. Given that is not the
> case, the directory structure does not matter.

There are four information structures.

Note that `directory structure' and `link structure between html
pages' can be different for the same collection of documents.  This is
because there is no necessary correspondence between the directory
structure of html file storage (normally visibile in urls) and the
logical structure of the document forest (represented in
table-of-contents pages, cross-page hyperlinks, and so on).

From least to most visible:

1. The xen.git source tree docs/ subdirectory has a directory structure
in the source code which is used when organising and editing the docs.

2a. When xen.git is built, it generates docs/html/ which contains a
directory structure.  The directory structure is controlled by the
individual Makefiles in the rest of docs/.

2b. When xen.git is built, the directory structure in docs/html/ is
converted into an index.html which is put at the top of docs/html/, by
a script `gen-html-index' which simply peers at the titles of the
files.  The same script is used to generate an index.html for each
subdirectory.  So in practice this is very similar to 2a.

3. The webtree is primarily a set of
files and directories which are simply served up by apache, and there
is no index.html at the top level, so the top level is a webserver
directory listing.  There are various subdirectories, which are
directly exposed, including

   - /docs/unstable/           xen.git#master's version of 2a/2b
   - /docs/unstable-staging    xen.git#stagin's version of 2a/2b
     [etc. for the stable branches, autogenerated]
   - /docs/osstest-sample-output/   rename proposed

The proposal is to add

   - /docs/osstest/
   - /docs/xtf/

to 3.  1 and 2a and 2b will remain unchanged.


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