On 01/07/2016 20:04, "Ian Jackson" <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:

>David Vrabel writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] xenbits "official" repo for XTF
>(was Re: [PATCH 0/2] xtf: add launcher (+1 bugfix)"):
>> On 20/06/16 18:03, Ian Jackson wrote:
>> > Hopefully we can find one that Andrew likes and that's acceptable to
>> > the committers.
>> > 
>> > I suggest
>> >   xen-microvm-test-framework
>> >   xen-microvm-test-suite
>> >   xtf-microvm-suite
>> "xtf"
>iwj@xenbits:~$ ls ~xen/git
>kemari                         qemu-xen-4.1-testing.git
>libvirt.git                    qemu-xen-4.2-testing.git
>linux-2.6-xen.git              qemu-xen-4.3-testing.git
>linux-pvops.git                qemu-xen-4.4-testing.git
>livepatch-build-tools.git      qemu-xen-4.5-testing.git
>mini-os.git                    qemu-xen-4.6-testing.git
>osstest                        qemu-xen.git
>osstest.git                    qemu-xen-traditional.git
>ovmf.git                       qemu-xen-unstable.git
>people                         raisin.git
>pvdrivers                      rumpuser-xen.git
>qemu-upstream-4.2-testing.git  seabios.git
>qemu-upstream-4.3-testing.git  staging
>qemu-upstream-4.4-testing.git  xcp
>qemu-upstream-4.5-testing.git  xenalyze.git
>qemu-upstream-4.6-testing.git  xenclient
>qemu-upstream-unstable.git     xen.git
>qemu-xen-3.3-testing.git       xen.git-aside
>qemu-xen-3.4-testing.git       xenrt-citrix
>qemu-xen-4.0-testing.git       xentesttools
>> It seems unfair to give Andrew's project a clunky (repo) name because
>> osstest is not sufficiently discoverable.
>Is that a complaint that it's too long ?
>I could live with "xtf", although I think it's rather too short.

Let me just summarise my understanding of the discussion:
A) The label xtf has been around for a while, thus changing it may be
B) Generally there is concern about not being able to discover test
related technology easily in the git tree
C) More verbose repository names seem to be a little long
D) None of the other proposals on the table seem to be much clearer / more

I couldn't tell from the thread who really is in favour. As far as I can

1 committer is in favour of using xtf.git
2 committer have voiced concrete concerns

A number of other committers and Linux maintainers have provided some
input, but have not been very clear about their position.

Looking at the above, it occurs to me that, this whole area seems to be a
little inconsistent anyway and could do with a little house-keeping. We
- osstest.git
- there also is osstest/*.git which seems to be odd and seems to have been
inactive for a while (not very clear to me what these do)
- and we have old and inactive xentesttools/*.git
- and we are adding a new repo for XTF

Maybe, moving everything test related under testing/* or test/* would be
sensible, but that would cause some disruption (not sure how bad that
would be). It would address A, B and D. It wouldn't make C much worse than

We already follow a similar pattern for out-of-tree via pvdrivers/*

It does in fact occur to me that some of the older inactive repos should
be archived somehow: candidates seem to be kemari/*, xentesttools/*,
xenclient/*, xcp/*, ... pollute the namespace. If we are concerned about
the namespace, we should address this at some point. There are also some
inactive top level git repos such as linux-2.5-xen.git and quite a few
inactive people repos.

>Lars, can you please advise what process we need to use to come to
>closure on this decision ?

Really we need to come to some sort of proposal. My gut feel is that maybe
this would most quickly resolved in a short IRC meeting, where we discuss
this issue and reduce it down to a concrete proposal (IRC log could then
be posted) and then put it to a vote, if need be. Otherwise this
discussion will drag on for a while as e-mail.


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