George Dunlap writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] xenbits "official" repo for XTF (was Re: 
[PATCH 0/2] xtf: add launcher (+1 bugfix)"):
> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 11:10 AM, Andrew Cooper
> > I am not completely averse to changing it, but I don't see an
> > alternative which is any better or clearer.
> Do you have any opinions on "Xen verification framework"?

The problem IMO is the word "framework" which implies some kind of
daemonic machinery.  The frameworky bit of XTF is quite small; mostly,
it is a suite of test cases.  "Xen Micro-VM Test Suite" maybe ?

(I think "verification" is inaccurate because to me it implies formal
methods, static analysis, or the like.)

> If we weren't going to change it, then you should probably put a note
> somewhere near the top of the introduction saying something like, "If
> you're looking for the Xen automated push-gate software, you want
> osstest[link]", so that people who want osstest but search for "xen
> test framework" find what they're looking for.

"CI (continuous integration)" is the keyword that many people will
have for osstest.

I would suggest

  (This is not the Xen Project's CI / Continuous Integration /
   automated push gate system.  For that, see
   <a href="wiki">osstest</a>.)

or something.


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