
Currently if we use pygrub --isconfig <image>, there is a good chance that this command could fail with an "out of memory" error. This can happen especially if the image file in question is at least a few gigabytes in size and the dom0_mem setting is relatively small. So even if any software used this option it is likely it would fail. This problem is due to the parser using "readlines" function in, which attempts to load the entire file into memory.

The advantage of "-l -n" option is that it exercises the "real" code path, which boots the PV guests.



On 03/22/2016 04:22 PM, Andrew Cooper wrote:
On 22/03/16 20:06, Firas Azar wrote:
The pygrub command option "isconfig" is broken and obsolete. This patch removes it since 
the alternate options "-l -n" provide the same functionality.
Broken how?

Are you sure that no existing software is using that option?


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