>>> On 21.03.16 at 15:22, <george.dun...@eu.citrix.com> wrote:
> Or to take a different tack: I understand that you don't think there's
> no particular benefit to adding a comment in cases like this; could
> you explain to me why you think it would have a significant cost?

There's no significant cost here. Yet I do think that commenting the
obvious is not really helpful (or else we end up with more comments
than there is actual code; some may consider this a good thing, but
I'm of the opinion that this would only serve obfuscating the code).
Plus - as said in various other contexts - I'm in favor of consistency,
i.e. I would think that if these constructs warrant a comment, all
of them should get one. The fall through example you gave for
switch statements is actually a good one: There the comments
silence Coverity. If comments here had the same effect, I think I'd
have no reservations against adding such, yet I don't think they

In the end it boils down to: I'm not going to ack any such change
myself, but I'm also not going to stand in the way of other
maintainers ack-ing such comments getting added. What I would
object to though is calling such constructs "fishy" in commit titles,
commit messages, or the comments being added.


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