On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Dario Faggioli
<dario.faggi...@citrix.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2016-03-08 at 19:12 +0000, Wei Liu wrote:
>> Overall I think the patch is moving towards the right direction.
> I also think so. Thanks a lot Wei for the review, BTW.
>> Just
>> that there are too many places where indentation need fixing.  Please
>> fix them in the next iteration. I really don't like holding back
>> patches
>> just because of indentation issues.
> Exactly. Trying to elaborate a bit more, this series does not include
> any complex algorithm or similar, so one may thing that it is not that
> hard to review. But it is indeed complex and hard to review, because
> the patches are rather big and because the API and the command line
> syntax we want to support is complex.
> If there are too many style issue, any review will likely end up
> focusing mostly, if not only, on them, for various reasons. E.g., when
> one finds a stile issue, avoiding commenting on it (e.g., because one
> wants to focus on "more important" aspects) means risking forgetting
> about it and, in the end, letting it hit the repository (if others also
> miss it or does the same). Also, we're all used to look at code that
> (well, mostly :-D) conforms to coding style, so it's harder to focus on
> code that does not. And more.
> Add to this that the most difficult part of the tools side of this
> series (like API and data structures) is actually ok.
> So, Chong, for us to be able to quickly and effectively help you
> forward, we need to ask you to do your best and get rid of (ideally)
> all coding style problems.
> Once that's done, we're not far from calling this all a done deal. :-)
> Thanks and Regards,
> Dario

Wei and Dario, thanks for your help reviewing this post. I'm now
working on the coding style issues and will send out the next version
all problems are figured out.


> --
> <<This happens because I choose it to happen!>> (Raistlin Majere)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Dario Faggioli, Ph.D, http://about.me/dario.faggioli
> Senior Software Engineer, Citrix Systems R&D Ltd., Cambridge (UK)

Chong Li
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Washington University in St.louis

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