On 03/05/2016 01:00 AM, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Changlong Xie writes ("[PATCH v11 10/27] tools/libxl: add back channel 
> support to write stream"):
>> From: Wen Congyang <we...@cn.fujitsu.com>
>> Add back channel support to write stream. If the write stream is
>> a back channel stream, this means the write stream is used by
>> Secondary to send some records back.
> The general idea seems fine to me but I want an opinion from Andrew.
> If I'm not mistaken there is no call site for this yet.  In which case
> this should be mentioned in the commit message.
>> +/*----- checkpoint state -----*/
>> +void libxl__stream_write_checkpoint_state(libxl__egc *egc,
>> +                                          libxl__stream_write_state *stream,
>> +                                          libxl_sr_checkpoint_state *srcs)
> Firstly, missing blank line.
> Secondly, reading all this leads me to think that maybe the
> `checkpoint_state' record should be called something different.  Is it
> only ever going to be used for COLO ?  Maybe it should be

Yes, it is only used for COLO now.

> `COLOHA_STATE' or something (and all the functions etc. renamed
> consequently) ?
> What do you think ?

COLO is FT, not HA. What aboyt COLOFT_STATE?

Wen Congyang

> Thanks,
> Ian.
> .

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