On Fri, Mar 04, 2016 at 06:17:13PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Changlong Xie writes ("[PATCH v11 00/27] COarse-grain LOck-stepping Virtual 
> Machines for Non-stop Service"):
> > This patchset implemented the COLO feature for Xen.
> > For detail/install/use of COLO feature, refer to:
> >   http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/COLO_-_Coarse_Grain_Lock_Stepping
> Thanks for this series.  I've now gone and at least looked at each of
> these patches.  I think this is an important feature which I want to
> see in Xen 4.7.
> Most of the patches seem to do roughly sensible things in roughly
> sensible ways.  I have reviewed some of the areas where they touch
> common code, and some of the API and protocol design.  (I don't think
> it very valuable to review the implementation in detail.)
> Overall I think most of this is in good shape and on track.
> But as you see from my mails I have some serious questions about the
> disk checkpointing/plumbing architecture.  I have reservations about
> the use of qemu for this.  I think this would perhaps be better done
> as a devmapper module.

There has been a lot of development in the snapshotting implementation
in QEMU that simply isn't done in the kernel module. And in many
cases you do not want to have in the kernel b/c of so many pieces
it has to deal with (network, locking, checkpointing, etc) - which
can be done in user-space.

> But I don't feel I understand it well enough yet.  I have read the
> docs which have been provided.  The QEMU implementation doc was
> helpful but I still feel confused.  I think I should go away and read
> it again more closely.  In the meantime, answers to my questions would
> be helpful.
> If after discussion and further thought I do still think that doing
> this in qemu is the wrong place, that doesn't mean that we need to
> block this series in the hope of it being rearchitected.  It just
> means that I want to make sure that the _interface_ to libxl, as seen
> from the outside and especially as seen from the user's point of view,
> does not preclude future design changes.
> In particular, what I care about in this context is that the libxl API
> (and the xl config syntax) 1. doesn't preclude an implementation of
> the same functionality elsewhere, and 2. doesn't preclude COLO for PV
> guests (or hvm-lite-ng guests).
> Thanks for your attention.  I'm afraid I'm going to be away out of the
> office for all of next week.  So I will pick this up again when I get
> back.
> Regards,
> Ian.

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