Changlong Xie writes ("[PATCH v11 00/27] COarse-grain LOck-stepping Virtual 
Machines for Non-stop Service"):
> This patchset implemented the COLO feature for Xen.
> For detail/install/use of COLO feature, refer to:

Thanks for this series.  I've now gone and at least looked at each of
these patches.  I think this is an important feature which I want to
see in Xen 4.7.

Most of the patches seem to do roughly sensible things in roughly
sensible ways.  I have reviewed some of the areas where they touch
common code, and some of the API and protocol design.  (I don't think
it very valuable to review the implementation in detail.)

Overall I think most of this is in good shape and on track.

But as you see from my mails I have some serious questions about the
disk checkpointing/plumbing architecture.  I have reservations about
the use of qemu for this.  I think this would perhaps be better done
as a devmapper module.

But I don't feel I understand it well enough yet.  I have read the
docs which have been provided.  The QEMU implementation doc was
helpful but I still feel confused.  I think I should go away and read
it again more closely.  In the meantime, answers to my questions would
be helpful.

If after discussion and further thought I do still think that doing
this in qemu is the wrong place, that doesn't mean that we need to
block this series in the hope of it being rearchitected.  It just
means that I want to make sure that the _interface_ to libxl, as seen
from the outside and especially as seen from the user's point of view,
does not preclude future design changes.

In particular, what I care about in this context is that the libxl API
(and the xl config syntax) 1. doesn't preclude an implementation of
the same functionality elsewhere, and 2. doesn't preclude COLO for PV
guests (or hvm-lite-ng guests).

Thanks for your attention.  I'm afraid I'm going to be away out of the
office for all of next week.  So I will pick this up again when I get


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