Hi Dario,

2015-12-02 5:19 GMT-06:00 Dario Faggioli <dario.faggi...@citrix.com>:
> On Wed, 2015-12-02 at 11:03 +0000, Lars Kurth wrote:
>> > On 2 Dec 2015, at 05:54, Meng Xu <xumengpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Maybe we could add some health warning and add a link to this
>> > discussion?
>> > Misconfiguration of the system will usually cause performance
>> > degradation, even for the other schedulers, such as ARINC653,
>> > credit,
>> > credit2.
>> That is the minimum IMHO for the wiki and xl.
> I'm not so sure. Perhaps just a quick hint, in xl manpage, I'd say.
>> > What I'm thinking is how much expert information we should expose
>> > to
>> > users. Sometimes, exposing too much information may not be so
>> > helpful.
>> > Sometimes, more information just  cause more confusion.
>> Maybe just link to some of the theory on real-time schedulers (at
>> least on the wiki). Maybe also to a couple of links to xen-devel@
>> threads like this one.
> We can reference the thread on the wiki, and we can put a few sentences
> about all this there. However, trying to link "some relevant theory" is
> unpractical, as it won't be easy to define what both "some" and
> "relevant" mean. :-)
> I'd be in favour (and ca do so) of adding a reference to the RT-Xen
> website, and maybe to one of (the original?) RT-Xen paper. But nothing
> more.

The first RT-Xen paper is for unicore scheduling and it didn't talk
about how to configure the VMs.
The most relevant RT-Xen paper for RTDS scheduler (right now) is the
EMSOFT14 paper. Instead of linking to IEEE, which requires money to
download, we can use this link:




Meng Xu
PhD Student in Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

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