> On 2 Dec 2015, at 05:54, Meng Xu <xumengpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Lars and Dario,
> 2015-12-01 4:11 GMT-06:00 Lars Kurth <lars.kurth....@gmail.com>:
>> I wonder whether we need to add some health warnings and recommended 
>> background reading to http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/RTDS-Based-Scheduler
> Maybe we could add some health warning and add a link to this discussion?
> Misconfiguration of the system will usually cause performance
> degradation, even for the other schedulers, such as ARINC653, credit,
> credit2.

That is the minimum IMHO for the wiki and xl.

> What I'm thinking is how much expert information we should expose to
> users. Sometimes, exposing too much information may not be so helpful.
> Sometimes, more information just  cause more confusion.

Maybe just link to some of the theory on real-time schedulers (at least on the 
wiki). Maybe also to a couple of links to xen-devel@ threads like this one.

> What do you guys think which type of information we should include?

I am not the expert, but I get the point on too much information. 

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