Ian Campbell writes ("[PATCH OSSTEST 4/5] standalone: Make it possible to pass 
options to run-test"):
> Currently the remainder of the comnand line is passed after the host=
> ident, which allows for other idents to be given, which isn't all that
> useful in practice.
> Instead arrange that any additional options up to a "--" marker are
> passed before host= and anything after are passed after.
> -         with_logging logs/$flight/$job.$ts.log ./$ts $hosts $@
> +         with_logging logs/$flight/$job.$ts.log ./$ts ${options[@]} $hosts $@

You mean   ... ./$ts "${options[@]}" $hosts ...
by analogy with  "$@"

mariner:~> a=(a "1  2" b)
mariner:~> echo = ${a[@]}
= a 1 2 b
mariner:~> echo = "${a[@]}"
= a 1  2 b


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