Ian Campbell writes ("[PATCH OSSTEST 2/5] cs-adjust-flight: Add job-status to 
report job stats"):
> The return code of sg-run-job does not reflect the state of the job,
> which is instead written to the database. For the benefit of running
> tests in a loop until failure add a command to retrieve the status to
> stdout.
> +job_status() {
> +    flight=$1; shift
> +    job=$1; shift
> +
> +    status=$(OSSTEST_CONFIG=$config \
> +             ./cs-adjust-flight $flight job-status $job)
> +    echo "$status"
> +}

This is rather odd.  Why do you capture the value in a variable and
then pass it to echo ?  You could just let the job_status command
print its output directly.

(Also I might quibble about unparsing the arguments to echo.  Observe
the output of (say) `echo -n'.  printf is often better.  This is only
relevant if $status might start with `-' and if you want to keep the


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