On 03/08/15 18:31, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
> El 03/08/15 a les 18.55, Andrew Cooper ha escrit:
>> On 24/07/15 17:54, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
>>>>> struct vcpu_hvm_context {
>>>>> /* 16bit fields of the strucutre will be used. */
>>>>> #define _VCPUHVM_MODE_16B              0
>>>>> #define VCPUHVM_MODE_16B               (1<<_VCPUHVM_MODE_16B)
>>>>> /* 32bit fields of the structure will be used. */
>>>>> #define _VCPUHVM_MODE_32B              1
>>>>> #define VCPUHVM_MODE_32B               (1<<_VCPUHVM_MODE_32B)
>>>>> /* 64bit fields of the structure will be used. */
>>>>> #define _VCPUHVM_MODE_64B              2
>>>>> #define VCPUHVM_MODE_64B               (1<<_VCPUHVM_MODE_64B)
>>>> As soon as we have three values here, a boolean flag approach
>>>> doesn't make sense anymore.
>>> Yes, taking into account that only _one_ of them can be used at the same
>>> time.
>>> I have the feeling that we are over engineering this interface. IMHO we
>>> should only allow the user to set the control registers, efer (on amd64)
>>> and the GP registers. Segment selectors would be set by Xen to point to
>>> a flat segment suitable for the mode the guest has selected. I think
>>> that should be enough to get the guest OS into it's entry point, and
>>> then it can do whatever it wants.
>>> If that's not suitable, then my second option would be to allow the
>>> guest to set the base, limit and AR bytes of the selectors, but not load
>>> a GDT.
>> In an ideal world, it would be nice to pass enough state to be able to
>> point eip at the idle loop and have everything JustWork.  However, this
>> makes a lot of assumptions about exactly which state the vcpu wants to
>> set up, which might include MSRs as well.
>> Therefore, an appropriate compromise is to be able to point eip at
>> startup_cpu, running in the correct operating mode to avoid bouncing
>> through trampolines.
> IMHO, allowing OSes to jump straight into the idle loop is putting a 
> lot of burden in the Xen side of things. Also all OSes already contain 
> AP startup code, we should be able to hook into this code at a suitable 
> location, and that's what we should aim for.
>> >From that point of view, the minimum quantity of state required is:
>> CR{0,3,4}, EFER, cs/eip, ds, ss/esp, gdt{base,limit}.  It would be
>> natural to extend this to all the 8 base GPRs and the user segment
>> selectors.  (Note that EFER is needed even for 32bit paged entries if NX
>> is set in the pagetables.)
> Extending this to the rest of the GPR is needed for Linux to boot. The 
> AP startup code of PVH Linux places the cpu id in a GPR for the boot 
> stub to find it:
> http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/arch/x86/xen/smp.c#L420
>> In addition, a hint to Xen as to the eventual mode so it can widen its
>> reads to start with rather than attempting to reverse engineer the
>> operating mode and rereading half the structure later. 
>> Specifying the gdt{base,limit} will require Xen to read the GDT to set
>> up the entry attributes for the segment, as simply setting the selector
>> is insufficient.  A complicating factor is that VT-x and SVM have
>> different representations for access rights.  (For migration, VT-x's
>> representation is mutated to match SVM.)
>> I really undecided between suggesting a gdt{base,limit} and Xen reading
>> the access rights in an unambiguous fashon, vs specifying the internals
>> and avoiding any peeking into domain memory.
>> It would be nice if the new cpus gs base could be set by the caller,
>> which allows the new cpu straight access to its per-cpu data area (if gs
>> is in use).  This is not representable using the gdt method and would
>> involve casing the GSBASE MSR if we were to go down the strict
>> architectural route.
> IMHO, this is out of the scope and I would rather allow the caller to 
> set the internal (cached) part of the segment selectors.
>> Therefore, I am leaning slightly towards the specify the internals side
>> of things, which removes some complexity from the Xen side of the hypercall.
> I've updated the proposed structure, so now it looks like:
> (I still need to figure out how to order the bits in the access rights 
> (_ar) fields.)

All struct's need a flags register.

> struct vcpu_hvm_x86_16 {
>     uint16_t ax;
>     uint16_t cx;
>     uint16_t dx;
>     uint16_t bx;
>     uint16_t sp;
>     uint16_t bp;
>     uint16_t si;
>     uint16_t di;
>     uint16_t ip;
>     uint32_t cr[8];

Definitely no need for anything other than cr0 and 4 in 16 bit mode.

>     uint32_t cs_base;
>     uint32_t ds_base;
>     uint32_t ss_base;
>     uint32_t cs_limit;
>     uint32_t ds_limit;
>     uint32_t ss_limit;
>     uint16_t cs_ar;
>     uint16_t ds_ar;
>     uint16_t ss_ar;
> };
> struct vcpu_hvm_x86_32 {
>     uint32_t eax;
>     uint32_t ecx;
>     uint32_t edx;
>     uint32_t ebx;
>     uint32_t esp;
>     uint32_t ebp;
>     uint32_t esi;
>     uint32_t edi;
>     uint32_t eip;
>     uint32_t cr[8];

Don't need cr's 5-8.

>     uint64_t efer;
>     uint32_t cs_base;
>     uint32_t ds_base;
>     uint32_t ss_base;
>     uint32_t cs_limit;
>     uint32_t ds_limit;
>     uint32_t ss_limit;
>     uint16_t cs_ar;
>     uint16_t ds_ar;
>     uint16_t ss_ar;

You need selector entries for each segment as well.

> };
> struct vcpu_hvm_x86_64 {
>     uint64_t rax;
>     uint64_t rcx;
>     uint64_t rdx;
>     uint64_t rbx;
>     uint64_t rsp;
>     uint64_t rbp;
>     uint64_t rsi;
>     uint64_t rdi;
>     uint64_t r8;
>     uint64_t r9;
>     uint64_t r10;
>     uint64_t r11;
>     uint64_t r12;
>     uint64_t r13;
>     uint64_t r14;
>     uint64_t r15;
>     uint64_t rip;
>     uint64_t cr[8];
>     uint64_t efer;

What has happened to the segment information?  It cannot be omitted
completely, even in 64bit.

> };
> typedef enum {
>     VCPU_HVM_MODE_16B,       /* 16bit fields of the structure will be used. */
>     VCPU_HVM_MODE_32B,       /* 32bit fields of the structure will be used. */
>     VCPU_HVM_MODE_64B,       /* 64bit fields of the structure will be used. */
> } vcpu_hvm_mode_t;
> struct vcpu_hvm_context {
>     vcpu_hvm_mode_t mode;

The width of an enum is implementation defined, which makes them
unsuitable in the public interface.

>     /* CPU registers. */
>     union {
>         struct vcpu_hvm_x86_16 x86_16;
>         struct vcpu_hvm_x86_32 x86_32;
>         struct vcpu_hvm_x86_64 x86_64;
>     };

We require C89 compatibility for the public interface, so no anonymous


> };
> typedef struct vcpu_hvm_context vcpu_hvm_context_t;
> DEFINE_XEN_GUEST_HANDLE(vcpu_hvm_context_t);

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