Xen Project Document Day is here!  Join us as we seek to make our Wiki
more accurate and useful!

On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 11:52 PM, Russ Pavlicek
<russell.pavli...@xenproject.org> wrote:
> Our next Xen Project Document Day is this Wednesday, July 29!
> Our THEME OF THE MONTH: "The Reverse Yard Sale"
> For many of us in the northern hemisphere, this is the time of year
> when people sort through the things they own and put the things they
> no longer need into a yard sale. Well, instead of removing things we
> don't need, we want a reverse yard sale, where we add the things we
> *do* need. Some topics to address include:
> - Hyper: the new hypervisor-independent Docker engine which uses Xen
> Project (among other hypervisors); we need a basic document on how to
> use Xen Project with Hyper
> - XAPI: The latest docs from the XenServer crew need to be referenced
> from our wiki
> - Unikernels: Lots of Unikernels leverage Xen Project; we need them
> properly linked in to our wiki
> - Booting with UEFI: needs to be made current
> - Raisin: the new effort has a new wiki page which needs review
> - and anything else which needs to be added
> All the information you need to participate in Document Day is here:
> http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_Document_Days
> Also take a look at the current TODO list to see other items which
> need attention:
> http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_Document_Days/TODO
> Please think about how you can help out.  If you haven't requested
> to be made a Wiki editor, save time and do it now so you are ready to
> go on Document Day.  Just fill out the form below:
> http://xenproject.org/component/content/article/100-misc/145-request-to-be-made-a-wiki-editor.html
> We hope to see you Wednesday in #xendocs!

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