Our next Xen Project Document Day is this Wednesday, July 29! Our THEME OF THE MONTH: "The Reverse Yard Sale"
For many of us in the northern hemisphere, this is the time of year when people sort through the things they own and put the things they no longer need into a yard sale. Well, instead of removing things we don't need, we want a reverse yard sale, where we add the things we *do* need. Some topics to address include: - Hyper: the new hypervisor-independent Docker engine which uses Xen Project (among other hypervisors); we need a basic document on how to use Xen Project with Hyper - XAPI: The latest docs from the XenServer crew need to be referenced from our wiki - Unikernels: Lots of Unikernels leverage Xen Project; we need them properly linked in to our wiki - Booting with UEFI: needs to be made current - Raisin: the new effort has a new wiki page which needs review - and anything else which needs to be added All the information you need to participate in Document Day is here: http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_Document_Days Also take a look at the current TODO list to see other items which need attention: http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_Document_Days/TODO Please think about how you can help out. If you haven't requested to be made a Wiki editor, save time and do it now so you are ready to go on Document Day. Just fill out the form below: http://xenproject.org/component/content/article/100-misc/145-request-to-be-made-a-wiki-editor.html We hope to see you Wednesday in #xendocs! _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list Xen-devel@lists.xen.org http://lists.xen.org/xen-devel