Hi Ian,

I am currently looking into the asynchronous task cancellation in libxl and 
have a few very specific queries, if you could answer.

1.    In libxl_domain_resume(),why is libxl_ao_complete called before 

2.    In libxl_ao_cancel() - the function goes through the ctx->aos_inprogress 
and tries to find a suitable libxl_ao that matches the input libxl_asyncop_how. 
It does so, by a few 'if' checks. Regarding this -

a.    Where does the libxl__ao get inserted to the ctx->aos_inprogress? I could 
not find that somehow - sorry if I overlooked.

b.    Can I suggest adding a unique private 'id' field to the libxl_asyncop_how 
structure, that will be populated by AO_CREATE? This will help finding the 
matching corresponding libxl_ao from the ctx->aos_inprogress in 
libxl_ao_cancel() quicker by looking for search->id == libxl_asyncop_how->id.

3.    In libxl_device_vkb_add(), shouldn't the function invoke libxl__ao_abort 
in the error path?

Thanks in advance!

Koushik Chakravarty
Mobile - +91-9663396424

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