Wei Liu writes ("[PATCH 3/3] libxl: libxl__device_from_disk should retrieve 
backend from xenstore"):
> ... if backend is not set by caller.

Acked-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com>

as far as it goes, but I think you may want a more radical change -
see below.

> Also change the function to use "goto" idiom while I was there.

(Although usually it would be better to split this kind of thing into
a pre-patch, in this case it's small and easily reviewed.)

Is the backend type the only missing or potentially-wrong
information ?  ISTM that perhaps the caller might not know the target,

What should happen if the caller specifies a different target in disk
to the one the device is actually using ?  The documentation should
specify which of the fields are important.

Maybe libxl_device_disk_remove needs to call libxl_vdev_to_device_disk
and check that the supplied disk struct is plausible somehow.  In that
case it might be nice for the caller to be able to fill in only the


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