On 06/01/15 18:57, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> Lars Kurth <lars.kurth....@gmail.com> 01/06/15 6:26 PM >>>
>> Hi all, updating 
>> http://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_Project_Release_Features there appear to 
>> be a few features where it may be worth to upgrade a feature for 4.5. The 
>> >following ones spring to mind
>> * Credit 2 Scheduler : experimental to preview - actually this raises the 
>> question what the difference is
>> * Nested Virt - I did see a few tests being developed recently and have not 
>> seen anyone raise bugs. It is also a requirement for OpenStack
> Not ready to be promoted yet afair.

I would agree.  This feature is not baked yet.

There are some issues outstanding stability issues (reported crashes on
list), some known limitations (L1 running in shadow mode) which could do
with some toolstack interlocks to prevent, and some performance concerns
(no ability to use PV drivers from L1 to L0, meaning all disk and
network is emulated in L0 Qemu).


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