>>> On 20.01.15 at 11:35, <ian.campb...@citrix.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2015-01-20 at 09:00 +0000, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> >>> On 05.01.15 at 21:08, <konrad.w...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> > = Timeline =
>> > 
>> > Xen 4.5 is a 10 month release. The dates are:
>> > 
>> > * Feature Freeze: 24th September 2014
>> > * First RC: 24th October [Friday!]
>> > * RC2: Nov 11th
>> > * RC2 Test-day: Nov 13th
>> > * RC3: Dec 3rd.
>> > * RC3 Test-day: Dec 4th
>> > * RC4: Dec 15th
>> > * RC4 Test-day: Dec 17th
>> > 
>> > <==== WE ARE HERE ===>
>> > 
>> >  Release Date: Jan 14th.
>> So when is it intended to announce the release,
> It's done, isn't it:
> http://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-announce/2015-01/msg00001.html 
> (not sent to xen-devel though, by mistake I presume?)

Ah indeed, and indeed not seen because not sent to xen-devel. Also
to me it doesn't really read like previous release announcements, so
even if I had seen it I would have been in doubt whether this is a pre-
announcement or the actual one (whether it was intentional by Keir
I of course can't tell, but I inherited from him the use of past tense
in such subjects, making absolutely clear that the release has
happened, and isn't e.g. only about to happen).

>> at once opening the 4.5 tree for backports
> I'm interested in this too, mainly because of the upcoming 4.4 stable
> release, since I want to backport ARM fixes to all relevant trees at
> once, rather than trying to track different things in different trees.
> I realise now that this has lead to me missing 4.4.X-rc1, and hence
> maybe wasn't the best idea.

Since we've got to wait for a push on both trees now again anyway,
I think you could do them if you wanted to. Albeit if I'm to maintain
4.5, I'd prefer no backports to be pushed there yet, until the
4.5.1-pre version update is in place.

>>  (of interest to me in case I'm going to continue
>> to be the stable tree maintainer, the voting on which was also
>> supposed to be happening already afaict), leaving aside the fact
>> that there's already a tools side one?
> I had assumed the result was that you were uncontested, on the basis
> that everyone else had stood "if Jan doesn't want to continue" (in some
> wording or other), hence no need for a vote. All IMHO.

I guess I'll wait to see what Konrad and Lars think.


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