Guillermo Miniño

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Si este es el caso, le notificamos que queda estrictamente prohibida la
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La Escuela Shaolin Tsu, Inc. no se hace responsable de las opiniones
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This message and its annexes could contain confidential information legally
protected and priviledged, with the only purpose and intended to be used by
people and organizations to which it is addressed, therefore its for the
exclusive use of the one to whom is send, if you have received this message
by mistake, please do erased it and response to the sender must be mailed.
If this is the case we hereby request
That its distribution or reproduction is rigourously forbidden and, in the
case, its annexes.
Thereby, it is express that Shaolin Tsu School, Inc. is not responsaible for
the opinions or declarations here promulgated, therefore this instirtution
is not responsable of terciary addressings in this mean, related to the
opinions lead by this message.

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