CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Dora Scilipoti <dora>   11/05/26 07:55:35

Added files:
        education/visual: edu-pics.html 

Log message:
        Renamed visual to misc. Renaming edu-visual.html to edu-pics.html


Index: edu-pics.html
RCS file: edu-pics.html
diff -N edu-pics.html
--- /dev/null   1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ edu-pics.html       26 May 2011 07:55:31 -0000      1.1
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
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+<h2>Education Visual Media</h2>
+<p>In these pages we keep mainly pictures to be used in the /education section 
+   <li>Ambedkar Community Computer Center (AC3) - Bangalore - India</li>
+   <ul>
+      <li>RMS with Indian youth, jpeg <a 
href="/education/visual/ambedkar-sm.jpg">97 KB</a>, 
+          <a href="/education/visual/ambedkar.jpg">400 KB</a>
+   </ul>
+    <li>Escuela Cristiana Evang&eacute;lica de Neuqu&eacute;n (ECEN)
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+$Date: 2011/05/26 07:55:31 $
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