CVSROOT:        /web/www
Module name:    www
Changes by:     Pavel Kharitonov <ineiev>       11/05/26 05:14:26

Modified files:
        licenses       : license-recommendations.html 

Log message:
        fix Filename and URL Guidelines incompliance
        "Don't use just a directory name in a URL;
         always include the specific file name."


Index: license-recommendations.html
RCS file: /web/www/www/licenses/license-recommendations.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -b -r1.1 -r1.2
--- license-recommendations.html        25 May 2011 18:29:46 -0000      1.1
+++ license-recommendations.html        26 May 2011 05:14:23 -0000      1.2
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
 <p>One case where using a different license can be justified is when you make
 major changes to a work under a non-copyleft license.  If the version you've
 created is considerably more useful than the original, then it's worth
-copylefting your work, for all the same <a href="/copyleft/">reasons we 
normally recommend
+copylefting your work, for all the same
+<a href="/copyleft/copyleft.html">reasons we normally recommend
 copyleft</a>.  If you are in this situation, please follow the
 recommendations below for licensing a new project.</p>
@@ -45,7 +46,8 @@
 <p>We recommend different licenses for different projects, depending
 mostly on the software's purpose.  In general, we recommend using the
 strongest copyleft license that doesn't interfere with that purpose.
-Our essay <a href="/copyleft/">&ldquo;What is Copyleft?&rdquo;</a> explains the
+Our essay <a href="/copyleft/copyleft.html">&ldquo;What
+is Copyleft?&rdquo;</a> explains the
 concept of copyleft in more detail, and why it is generally the best
 licensing strategy.</p>
@@ -186,7 +188,7 @@
 <!-- timestamp start -->
-$Date: 2011/05/25 18:29:46 $
+$Date: 2011/05/26 05:14:23 $
 <!-- timestamp end -->

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