Thanks for the suggestion Phill,

What I am trying to do is external to a running MSI.  Since the my original
post I've tried the same DTF functions in C# and was surprised to see
everything work perfectly.  Following on from the VBScript & PowerShell
snippets above, the code below is the same activity in C#.

### C# Code ----------------------

Database oDatabase = new
View oView = oDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO Property (Property, Value)
VALUES ('aaaaa', 'bbbbb')");

As C# is using the same DTF resource that PowerShell is, I can rule out a
problem with Deployment Tools Foundation and look more closely to how
PowerShell quirks may prevent the action from running correctly.  C# also
shows how backticks aren't a requirement of the view string either so that
gets rid of the need to accommodate special characters with PowerShell.

It really has me scratching my head as I can't see why it wouldn't work.  :)

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