Guy's, I'd appreciate some guidance with writing to an Offline MSI with
Deployment Tools Foundation & Powershell.  Using SELECT statements to read
from the MSI is fine -  Inserting a new record seems to be the problem.  

What I'm trying to do would work if I use VBScript as shown with the
following snippet:

##### VBScript ----------
Set Installer  = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")

Set Database = Installer.OpenDatabase("C:\Temp\installer.msi", 1) 'Transact
Set View       = DataBase.OpenView("INSERT INTO `Property` (`Property`,
`Value`) VALUES ('aaaaa', 'bbbbb')")


As expected, The new property and values are written to the Property table. 
If I try to replicate this with PowerShell & DTF, the closest I can write i
like this:

##### PowerShell ----------

# Add Required Type Libraries
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\WiX Toolset

# Open an MSI Database
$oDatabase = New-Object

#Open a View
$oView = $oDatabase.OpenView("INSERT INTO `Property` (`Property`, `Value`)
VALUES ('aaaaa', 'bbbbb')");


I've tried this with Toolset 3.9 & 4.0.  I've also tried escaping the
backtick in case that was causing the failure (and not using them at all).
Nor can I get an expected outcome using a record object.  Has anyone else
had problems in this area or can someone see a flaw with my syntax?

Regards & Thanks


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