
Are you looking for -dr (or <DirectoryRefId> ) which can be any DirectoryRef
(Property) defined in your MSI.  (Run heat.exe -? for more details.)

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
    <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
        <Directory Id="APPLICATIONROOTDIRECTORY" Name="My Application

You could use -dr APPLICATIONROOTDIRECTORY to install the files under that
location on the target system.

Personally I avoid using VS solution properties, primarily because I
configure my projects to build using either VS or MSBuild scripts (and I
would rather control the build order in my build scripts).  There are too
many situations where VS or MSBuild tries to rebuild projects which do not
need to be rebuilt, or it tries to build projects with the incorrect
platform (in a mixed platform build sequence).  I do not know about the SSIS
project, but did you in the Wix project (not the solution) add a Reference
to the other project (or output file)?  I could not tell from the comment.

Check out my last post to  this
thread, for info on using HarvestDirectory which works much better than
trying to integrate heat.exe into a build cycle.  Harvesting files has
risks, so test your results carefully.


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