Thanks Nir, I was specifically looking to use a custom variable or property in 
the heat.exe dir command in order to access a 'dynamic' folder structure based 
on a value that's passed into the .msi.  Is that possible?

For example, in the .wixproj file you would have this command in the 
BeforeBuild node:

        c>heat.exe dir $(ProjectDir)..\SomeStaticName\$(custom.variable)

where $(ProjectDir) is a built-in project reference variable (which is allowed)
but $(custom.variable) is either a preprocessor variable, wix variable, or 
property defined in the product.wxs file.  (Which currently doesn't seem 
possible, but I'm hoping someone knows something that I don't.)

Does that make sense?  Thanks for the help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nir Bar [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:24 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] using custom variables on heat command line

You can use this:

-var <VariableName>     Substitute File/@Source="SourceDir" with a
preprocessor or a wix variable (e.g. -var var.MySource will become 
File/@Source="$(var.MySource)\myfile.txt" and -var wix.MySource will become 

Or this:

-wixvar     Generate binder variables instead of preprocessor variables.

Complete manual here:

Nir Bar
Freelance Developer
   - C++ On Windows, Linux and Embedded Platforms 
   - WiX & InstallShield
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